Go-to guy in Ples

As the son-in-law of Rosneft's head, Timerbulat Karimov, became head of the city council of Ples, where the "secret dacha" of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is.
Origin source
The grandson of the Bashkir poet, the son-in-law of the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin, the head of the town of Ples, who fell in love with the political elite, is all about one man. Timerbulat Karimov was previously known as a Ufa businessman, now he brings up Igor Sechin's grandchildren and calls himself a philanthropist. As the career of the deputy developed, why does he need Ples with the "secret dacha" of the prime minister and what does oil have to do with Sofia Savina?

Grandfather's Fund

Chairman of the Council Ples Timerbulat Karimov was born in the family of the famous in Bashkortostan poet Musta Karim. Now, together with his mother Alfia and her brother Ilgiz, he is engaged in "the development of literature, art and the Bashkir language" in the "Musta Karim Foundation". Despite the fact that the fund was established in 2013, information on its activities began to appear only in 2016: they awarded literary translators and awarded grants to researchers. And in the winter of this year, Vladimir Putin commissioned the creation of the House of National Literatures in Moscow, headed by Timerbulat Karimov himself.

This is not the only charitable project of Timerbulat Karimov. In 2016, he established two more funds: "Traditions and Culture" and "Summer Festival". The dates of their registration differ for two days: the first was founded on May 11, the second - on May 13.

The funds act as sponsors of the musical "Shalyapin Holiday Festival" in Plyos. In the spring, federal politicians and media persons come to the event. The festival's president is Inga Karimova, the daughter of the deputy chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the head of Rosneft company Igor Sechin - and the wife of Timerbulat Karimov. She also appears on the list of founders of the funds "Traditions and Culture" and "Summer Festival".

 Whose ples?

Inga helps her husband and in the management of Ples - one of the main tourist centers of the "Golden Ring", which in recent years has turned into an elite holiday village. It was in Plyos that the Foundation for Fighting Corruption discovered the residence of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

October 1, 2015 Timerbulat Karimov became chairman of the Council of the Plessk urban settlement. A year after his election, he founded another fund - the "Ples Development Corporation". Two founders of the fund invest money in Ples: Timerbulat Karimov himself and his wife Inga (through the "Good People" LLC). In addition, another member of the Plesk Council, a resident of the tourist town, businessman and chairman of the Board of Directors of the group of companies "Russian Investments" Kirill Ignatiev, also announced about participation in the affairs of the fund.

The "Development Corporation Ples" has a director - this is George Shebaev. He, like Timerbulat Karimov, came here from Ufa: until 2014, he served as Minister of Health of Bashkortostan.

Real estate c address, which registered the "Development Corporation Plesa" (2, Descent of Mount Svobody st.) Belongs, according to EGRN, to Inga Karimova. And she bought the land before the appointment of Timerbulat Karimov as chairman of the Ples Council: the sale of the site occurred in October 2014 - that is, one year before the election of deputies of the local assembly.

Inga Karimova bought this property from Natalia Shevtsova, the wife of the ex-head of Plyus, businessman Alexei Shevtsov. Although he left the post of the head of the city of Plesk in 2012, he still owns the largest tourist facilities of the city: the villa "Fortecia Rus", "Plesky Yacht Club", a boat station, several city hotels and restaurants.

In the golf on Rublevka

Real estate in Plyos is not the only possession of the Karimov family. The wife of Timerbulat Karimova Inge owns a land plot on Rublevka. Plot size of 10 thousand square meters. Meters in the village of Zhukovka, the rights to which Inga Karimova registered, is located next to the site of Igor Sechin (a section of an oligarch measuring 32 thousand square meters was found by the newspaper Vedomosti last summer). Nearby there is another plot of 14 thousand square meters. Meters, the rights to which belong to a certain Varvara Igorevna Sechina - a daughter with the same name Sechin does not. The rights to both sites - Varvara Sechina and Inna Karimova - are registered on the same day - November 12, 2015.

In the same Zhukovka, in the neighborhood of the Sechin's sites, is the mansion of Ekaterina Ignatova, the wife of the general director of the state corporation Rostek, a member of the bureau of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party, Sergei Chemezov.

 The family of Timerbulat Karimov and Chemezov is associated not only with similar tastes in choosing a place to live. Sergei Chemezov is chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Federation of Cycling in Russia. It includes the head of Ples Timerbulat Karimov.

Chemezov is not the only official with whom the grandson of the Bashkir poet has sports and business ties. So, one of the hobbies of Timerbulat Karimov is playing golf. In the summer of last year, he took part in the "closed golf tournament for the business elite." The competition was timed to coincide with the International Industrial Exhibition "INNOPROM-2016", the head of its organizing committee was the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov, with whom Timerbulat Karimov crossed on the golf course.

 From the analyst to the philanthropist

Other influential acquaintances Timerbulat Karimov acquired due to his career. He studied at the University of Bridgeport, where he worked as an analyst for the oil sector of the investment company John S. Herold. Later, as an analyst in the oil and gas industry, he moved to the Aton group of companies, where in 2004 he was appointed director of capital markets management. The general director of the Center for Political Information, Alexei Mukhin, testified that at that time Karimov had "a constructive relationship" with the founder of the Aton group, Yevgeny Yuryev, who served as his adviser during the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev.

After working in Aton, Timerbulut Karimov becomes managing director of the business direction of the financial corporation Uralsib, and in 2011 he becomes vice-president of the board of VTB Bank. Two years later, Karimov first appeared in public with Inga Sechina, left VTB and became the founder of the Musta Karim Foundation.

Submitting to deputies, Karimov did not abandon entrepreneurial activity: he is now a member of the board of directors of ZAO Russian Copper Company, which is one of the country's largest copper producers. In addition, along with his mother Alfiya Karimova and father Oleg Balaban, the businessman owns Arnix LLC. The type of activity of the company specified in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities is the lease and management of immovable property.
"Good people" with limited liability

In addition to the Ufa company and the revival of the Bashkir traditions, the Karimov family can have other interests. So, the fund created by Karimov for the development of Plyos is indirectly connected with the oil company Bashneft, whose state share was sold to Rosneft company Igor Sechin by order of the government last fall.

Communication, as usual, is complicated and complicated, it is hardly possible to prove direct affiliation of the structures, but the coincidence looks at least strange: the manager from the native land of Karimov - from Ufa, connected with Bashneft, runs the company of Sechin's daughter.

The foundation "Development Corporation Plyos" is owned by Timerbulat Karimov, the rest is owned by LLC "Good People". The only founder of this company is Inga Karimova. "Good people" are not seen in any financial transactions, but in 2015 the company managed to establish the LLC "Novgorod Agropark." The sphere of his activities in the register is "farming poultry farming." Together with Inga Karimova this company is managed by LLC "Investment Company".

Ildus Fakhretdinov owns 100% of the shares of the Investment Company. He owns other organizations, but already in Ufa: for example, he is listed as one of the founders of the Ishstal steel-rolling plant.

Director of the plant "Ishstal" - known in Ufa manager Oleg Ignatov, local media included him in the list of "Top 100 Bashkir elite". In addition to the management of Isthstal, Oleg Ignatov holds the post of director of Ufa Motor Invest LLC - this company is connected with Bashneft. Its sole founder is OAO Ufa Motor-Building Production Association, Russia's largest engine manufacturer. Together with Bashneft, they are the two largest deposits of the founder of Bashkir Trade and Investment Center JSC.

The Bashkir media make suggestions about the political interests of Sechin's son-in-law in Bashkortostan and call him one of the main contenders for the post of head of the republic - this may be beneficial for all members of the Sechin-Karimov family.