German Gref drove the Russians into mortgage slavery

Mortgage debts of Russian citizens to Sberbank in March 2018 exceeded 3 trillion rubles, while in the past year they grew by 500 billion rubles. In total in Russia in 2017, mortgages were issued for 2 trillion rubles.
Sberbank's mortgage loan portfolio reached 3 trillion rubles in March, German Gref said. Over the past 12 months, it has grown by 500 billion rubles, which is equal to growth for the period from March 2015 to March 2017.

In 2017, Sberbank issued mortgages for 1.1 trillion rubles. This is more than 54% of all extradition of Russian banks (2.02 trillion rubles.). By the end of 2017, the mortgage portfolio of the state bank exceeded 2.9 trillion rubles, an increase of 17% over the year.

In the first two months of this year, Sberbank issued mortgage loans for 192.3 billion rubles, increasing issuance by 112% compared to January-February 2017. Such data was previously quoted by the bank's deputy chairman of the board, Alexander Torbakhov.

 Sberbank's closest competitor in the mortgage market, VTB Bank, issued mortgage loans worth 58 billion rubles in the first two months of 2018, which is 43% more than in January-February of the previous year. On March 1, his mortgage portfolio amounted to 1.12 trillion rubles. This was announced on Tuesday by the press service of the bank.

In total, according to the Central Bank, in 2017, 1.1 million mortgage loans were issued for a total of 2.02 trillion rubles. At the end of the year, the mortgage portfolio exceeded 5 trillion rubles. and by February 2018 was 5.18 trillion. According to "Dom.rf" (formerly AHML), over two months of 2018, mortgages worth more than 350 billion rubles were issued.

How much debt

"Accelerating the growth in the portfolio in absolute terms twice in the past year compared with the period of the previous two years is associated with an increase in issuance in 2017 against a background of lower interest rates," Gref quotes the press service of Sberbank.

Back in March last year, Sberbank issued a mortgage at 10.4-12.25% per annum, and now - at 7.4-11.5% per annum. In addition, as part of the state program to support families with children, he issues housing loans at 6% per annum. This rate applies to families where, after January 1, 2018, December 31, 2022, the second and third child will be born: depending on the number of children, only two or three years and only new buildings.

 "Family mortgage" under 6% and other major players. For example, VTB. His range of rates for ordinary borrowers is 9.3-10.7% per annum.

According to the Central Bank, the average rate on mortgage loans issued during January of this year amounted to 9.85% per annum. Sberbank will reduce mortgage rates to 7% per annum for one to two years, Gref promised in March.