Rosselkhozbank became a vampire of state funding

In 2017, the bank received 50 billion rubles from the state, reduced losses to 19.5 billion rubles, and demanded again life-giving budget injections.
Obtained in the past year from the state 50 billion rubles. Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) is enough to not ask for help throughout 2018, the deputy chairman of the board, Kirill Levin, hoped in the autumn. It did not work: last year, the RSHB cut its losses threefold, from 58.9 billion rubles. up to 19.5 billion, according to the bank's reports on international standards, and has already applied for a new portion of state support.

The RSHB is currently discussing with the shareholder (Rosimushchestvo) the possibility of replenishing capital, Levin told a teleconference on Tuesday. "This year we are working to increase capital... We work in different directions: we work with clients and the market to issue subordinated bonds, and with a shareholder [Rosimushchestvo]," he said. The bank needs funds for two reasons: in order to comply with the requirements of the Central Bank (the regulator gradually increases the capital adequacy allowance) and issue more loans.

The bank can also raise capital from the market by issuing subordinated bonds, added Levin.

Last year the state replenished the capital of the RSHB by 50 billion rubles, and in total from 2010 - about 300 billion rubles. The budget for 2017 laid down only 5 billion rubles, which the state planned to send to the capital of the RSHB. The remaining 45 billion rubles. The bank received due to additional budget revenues.

The amount that Rosselkhozbank is now asking from the Federal Property Management Agency, Levin did not name. The federal official confirmed to Vedomosti that the bank had applied for support. "Vedomosti" are waiting for the response of the Federal Property Management Agency. In the budget for the next three years there is no money for the RSHB.

 How Rosselhozbank loses money

The main reason for the bank's losses in 2017, as in previous years, is the deductions to reserves, which were equal to its net interest income - 63 billion rubles. In 2016, allocations to reserves were higher: 86 billion rubles. against 53 billion percent of revenue.

The problem loans of the bank decreased by 10 billion rubles for the year. up to 340 billion. This includes loans that are on the "under supervision" list and are overdue for 90 days or more. True, the share of overdue loans in the bank's portfolio decreased: from 11.2 at the end of 2016 to 10.4%, and taking into account loans under supervision - from 17.1 to 15.8%.

 At the same time, the reserves created by the end of 2017 amounted to only 203 billion rubles. (plus 10 billion rubles for the year).

The loan portfolio of the bank grew by 9% to almost 2 trillion rubles. Levin stressed that the bank had fulfilled all its obligations for lending to the economy, and in general the bank's results were higher than expected.

For example, the bank began to earn more on commissions: net commission income (half of them - from cash and settlement transactions) amounted to 20 billion rubles. against 14.5 billion in 2016. And the ratio of costs to incomes dropped from 61 to 48%, Levin said.