Evgeny Prigozhin added Navalny to his menu

FBK ordered to pay 87.6 million rubles for a video about the Moscow Schoolboy food factory.
The Moscow Arbitration Court ordered Aleksey Navalny’s politician to remove a video from the YouTube channel about the poor-quality products of the Moscow Schoolboy food factory and refute information about the company that discredits its professional reputation. In addition, the court wants to recover 29.2 million rubles from Mr. Navalny, lawyer Lyubov Sobol and the Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK). as compensation, Kommersant’s spokeswoman, Kira Yarmysh, told Kommersant. FBK intends to appeal the decision of the court, until the appeal decision, the investigation from the YouTube channel will not be deleted.

The Moscow Arbitration Court on Monday upheld the lawsuit filed by Moscow Schoolboy LLC on April 4 against opposition politicians Alexei Navalny, Lyubov Sobol, the non-profit organization Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK) and ex-employee of Moscow Schoolboy, Natalya Shilova, said Alexey Navalny on Instagram. The food factory demanded “to recognize it as untrue and to refute the information” published on Mr. Navalny’s YouTube channel, as well as to recover compensation from the defendants in the amount of 1.5 billion rubles. as compensation for lost profits and harm to professional reputation.

The lawsuit is about the FBK investigation, published in February on the Navalny Live channel, where Ms Shilova said that the plant supplied low-quality products to educational institutions. According to Alexey Navalny, “Moscow Schoolboy” is part of the structure of a number of companies of Yevgeny Prigozhin (since 2014, the United States has been included in the sanctions list). He recalled the outbreak of dysentery in December 2018 in kindergartens and schools in Moscow. Recall in this regard, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case, the investigation of which has not yet been completed. From the documents of the investigation it follows that the cause of the outbreak was poor-quality raw materials supplied by the VITO-1 company and owned by Mr. Prigozhin LLC Concord Food Plant LLC. Both of these companies in press releases and comments previously given by the media deny communication with each other. After the interview, Ms. Shilova recorded a video message in which she denied her previous speeches and accused FBK employees of coercion to deceive. In turn, Lyubov Sobol denied the response in a video message from the prosecution.

The court recognized the plaintiff's arguments: in particular, the representative of the plant submitted documents in his defense according to which one of the clients terminated the contract with the Moscow Schoolboy after the publication of the FBK video. Messrs. Navalny and Sobol were awarded 29.2 million rubles to pay the company, the Anti-Corruption Fund itself must pay the same amount. Taken together, oppositionists owe 87.6 million rubles to the Moscow schoolboy. The court recovered 1 ruble from Ms. Shilova. Alexey Navalny’s spokesman Kira Yarmysh and FBK Director Ivan Zhdanov said in an interview with Kommersant that they would appeal the court’s decision and stated that they were not required to comply with the court’s requirements, including removing the video, before the appeal court decided.

According to Kartoteka.ru, in 2017, the amount of government contracts won by Moscow Schoolboy LLC amounted to 10.9 billion rubles. Revenues in 2017 amounted to 5.6 billion rubles., In 2018 - 6.7 billion rubles. (net profit amounted to 50.1 million rubles and 74.5 million rubles, respectively). The founder of the company is the micro-enterprise Maxlife LLC, which is engaged in wholesale trade (50% belongs to businessman Andrei Yushin, 50% to businessman Kirill Rulev, whom the media call a person close to Mr. Prigogine). The authorized capital of Maxlife is 100 thousand rubles, and the Moscow Schoolboy established by it is 5 million rubles.