Evgeny Prigogin's company earned hundreds of millions with one employee in the state

Tax officers began checking the company, allegedly associated with the restaurateur Yevgeny Prigogine. Near her name guessed familiar letters - PMCs.
Origin source
The Federal Tax Service of St. Petersburg checks the M-Finance company allegedly associated with Yevgeny Prigogine. A firm that shows no visible signs of life shows a good income. Finding its employees is almost impossible And supposedly people connected with her leave for mysterious business trips and try not to “shine” in social networks. It is said that the reason lies in the Central African Republic.

The Federal Tax Service has begun an audit of M-Finance, according to Dozhd, the BBC, The Bell, as well as French media related to restaurateur Yevgeny Prigozhin. As Rosbalt found out, the verification activities have been going on since the beginning of February, they are being carried out by Interdistrict Inspectorate No. 8, registered in the Admiralty district of the Northern capital. There, according to SPARK, a geographically located and strange organization, which in recent months has been the object of a large number of publications in the media.

Familiar all faces

M-Finance LLC was registered in August 2015, the main activity - mining of precious stones, quartz, mica. The current head of the company is Elena Kochina. Neither before nor after "M-Finance" she was engaged in any business.

But Cochin's general director of M-Finance was not until June 2018. Prior to this, the company was headed by a certain Evgeny Khodotov. French weekly LʼObs called him the director of Lobaye Invest. The same firm is mentioned in documents of the Ministry of Finance and Budget of the Central African Republic. In accordance with them, Lobaye Invest received the right to conduct in the country the exploration of gold, diamonds and any other minerals on an area of ​​3,712 square meters. km (the same type of activity is engaged in Russia "M-Finance"). It was about this company that the Russian journalists killed in the CAR made the film: Orhan Dzhemal, Kirill Radchenko and Alexander Rastorguev.

Help "Rosbalta": Journalist Orhan Dzhemal, documentary filmmaker Alexander Rastorguev and cameraman Kirill Radchenko were killed in the CAR on July 30. They intended to make a film about the Russian private military company "Wagner" by order of the Internet project "Investigation Management Center" (the latter soon after the tragedy ceased operations). In preparation for the shooting, the LRC staff turned to the journalist of the Federal News Agency, Kirill Romanovsky, associated with Prigogine. He, in turn, gave them a telephone number of a “locker” named Martin, who in correspondence promised to arrange accommodation for the Russians in the CAR and to provide the driver and a car. It is this “fixer,” according to a number of investigators, that has lured journalists into a trap. The UK later reported that the Russians promised $ 20 thousand for the alleged film. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation emphasized that the CAR was one of the ten most dangerous countries in the world, but despite this, they did not provide any protection to the Russians. The Russians arrived in the CAR on tourist visas and journalistic accreditation did not pass.

Local media published a photo of movie posters Moving Up and Legend No. 17, which were shown in the CAR with the support of the same Lobaye Invest. The publication Africa Intelligence called this company “daughter” “M-Invest”. Its name is consonant with the St. Petersburg company "M-Finance" associated with Prigogine.

But there is a shorter chain. The contact information on the website of the VLSI business communications network contains the e-mail i.volkova@concord-catering.ru. This domain name is assigned to Concord Catering LLC, follows from the information on the official website of the company. The head of Concord Catering LLC is Evgeny Prigogine, indicated in the register information. The same e-mail relates to the company Investplus, which through a number of persons is connected with the Concord Prigogine. In the VLSI network, Rosbalt was informed that the data are taken from official sources and may be published and modified, including by the counterparty. Rosbalt sent a number of questions to e-mail M-Finance; no response was received at the time of publication.

As follows from the data of SPARK, M-Finance LLC does not conduct any visible activity. The company did not participate in any state procurement under Federal Law-44 and Federal Law-223. M-Finance has no movable property in pledge and leasing, as well as registered domains and trademarks. All staff is represented by one person. Despite this, at the end of 2017, LLC received revenues in the amount of 127 million rubles.

The company is located in one of the buildings on the Obvodny Canal Embankment - in the famous Triangle business center. Just do not get there.

The correspondent of “Rosbalt” was met at the entrance by a security guard, who reported that the entrance to the offices was carried out with passes.

“Call the office you need,” he suggested.

That's just to get through to the LLC "M-Finance" is virtually impossible. No matter how much the reporter tried, nobody picked up the telephone number for the desired number.

The press service of the St. Petersburg Department of the Federal Tax Service at the time of publication did not respond to the request of the agency. The press service of the Concord company on the VKontakte page stated that there are no companies associated with Yevgeny Prigogine in the CAR.

“Lobaye Invest is not affiliated with Yevgeny Prigogine,” said the press service of Concord.

Wagner's List

On December 20, 2018, the Security Service of Ukraine published a list of employees of the Wagner PMCs allegedly involved in the murder of Russian journalists in the CAR. According to the ministry, these people were in the Central African Republic when Orhan Dzhemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko were killed there. True, some of the above names have already been called previously by the Ukrainian special services. Some of them are in the database of the Peacemaker site blocked in the Russian Federation, which publishes personal data of Russians who took part in hostilities in the east of Ukraine.

Checking the information of the Security Service of Ukraine, Rosbalt journalists were convinced of the reality of the existence of some people from the list. Attention is drawn to the fact that they cannot be found on social networks. Some of them are registered in St. Petersburg. For security reasons, the names of these people will be changed, the agency has real data.

The alleged employee of the PMC "Wagner" Roman Petrov is registered in the St. Petersburg district of Kupchino. It’s quite difficult to stop him at home - Roman and his wife Oksana rent an apartment to a young couple. The journalist of "Rosbalt" left his business card with a request to call back when there is time. The call did not arrive.

In St. Petersburg, there is only one Alexander Ivanov with the date of birth specified by the SBU. In the database of the enforcement proceedings it is indicated that the man was under arrears on the writ of execution of the Arbitration Court of the Northern capital and Leningrad region. The decision of the instance states that Ivanov was a member of one of the associations of leading arbitration managers and owed the organization about 60 thousand rubles of membership dues.

The association’s website has a corresponding registry entry. It states that Ivanov was registered as its member in June 2014. In August 2016, the decision was made to terminate the membership of the arbitration manager. There is also a copy of Ivanov's diploma - in 2003 he graduated from the PF Lesgaft University of Physical Education, Sports and Health. In the certificates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs it is said that the man has no criminal record. Date of birth is fully consistent with that indicated by the Security Service of Ukraine.

Ivanov is registered in one of the residential buildings on Grazhdansky Avenue. At first, the correspondent of “Rosbalt” did not open the door for a long time, but then an unidentified man answered the call to the intercom. He said that Ivanov was not at home.

"You can not talk to him - he is far away on a business trip."

“Has he left for a long time?”

“I will not give you this information,” the stranger finished the conversation.

Ivanov's phone was turned off. The journalist sent an SMS-message, the answer was not received.

Another man from the SBU list is Alexander Sidorov. Judging by his page in social networks, a man in 1997 graduated from the AFMozhaysky Military Space Academy. On October 25, he was congratulated by his aunt on his birthday - this date coincides with the data of the SBU. Sidorov read the message sent by the Rosbalt correspondent, but did not respond to it.