For the sake of the palace of Igor Shuvalov in an elite residential complex walled up windows

A Russian official lives in a vulgar palace on a plot of 7.5 hectares, which is forbidden to see slaves.
In the elite residential complex "Skolkovo Park for Life" in the suburbs, houses were built so that the windows in them did not go to the dacha of First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. Moreover, part of one of the houses was completely immured, the politician Alexei Navalny told about it. According to him, the "blocked" windows of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) discovered by chance when testing a new drone.

In the video, Navalny says that in one of the houses there was a walled up side that faces south, and in another house near the windows there were installed special protruding walls, which do not allow its occupants to look from the windows in a southerly direction. In addition, there is a building between the neighboring houses and the residence of the vice-premier, which closes the survey to the residents.

The video contains an excerpt from the presentation of the project of the residential complex (now the page is only available in the cache). The authors of the residential complex project report that part of the apartments in the first building are designed by unilateral ones, and in the sixth building - by an end to the south-east. This, they said, was done, "to avoid species on private landownership located on the south-east side." "You could not make windows to the south for security reasons," they note.

Navalny drew attention to the words of one of the authors of the project Vladimir Potkin, who said that "we got out of the way as we could". So he described how the architects built "the right visual connections that open from the windows of houses to the surrounding areas."

In Shuvalov's declaration, a house in Moscow suburbs with an area of ​​4,174 square meters is indicated. According to the documents, the vice prime minister rents it. According to FBK, the cost of the estate is 8-10 billion rubles.