"Even Pumpyansky didn't behave like that"

Why SKB-Bank had the chairman of the board replaced.
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"Implantation experiment" in the Ural banking system ambitious and progressive federal top manager completed. Ilya Zebari, who has worked less than a year chairman of SKB-Bank, is sent back to Moscow. Reins in systemically important banks in the region once again given to the Urals, local financial pupil of the school, the former chairman of the student council of directors of the bank Michael Jodorowsky - Denis Repnikova. Znak.com tried to find out what caused the sudden resignation of Ilya Zibareva - family circumstances, mental differences or deterioration of bank performance.

Appointment Ilya Zibareva as chairman of the Board of SKB-Bank was an extraordinary event for the Ural banking system in which everyone knows each other well, because in the vast majority are pupils of the local school finance. Ilya Zebari - 40-year-old Muscovite (at the current place of residence), to work in a number of federal credit agencies, "Alfa-Bank" Home Credit and Finance Bank, City Mortgage Bank and "Delta Credit", graduated from the London wcola and international relations, he said, was awarded the scholarship of the Queen of Great Britain. In general, the banker of the new formation.

Following the appointment in the SKB-Bank Ilya Zebari he surprised his interview. In them, he called Yekaterinburg "our city", but about the SKB-Bank said, "my bank". And that - after several months of residence. Such unity is rarely seen in the behavior of the capital's top managers working in the Urals. The plans Ilya Zibareva family was moving to the capital of the Urals, and SKB he considered worthy of the fate of the famous Californian bank Wells Fargo (the fourth-largest US bank, controlled by Warren Buffett - Ed.).

But later it turned out that the banker's family does not want to move to the capital of the Urals, and he had to live in two houses. He was born the second child. It's pretty well-known in banking circles, a fact that became those "personal circumstances", because of which Ilya Zebari, according to the official version, he asked to be relieved of his post.

As reported and SKB-Bank and "Sinara Group", which controls the bank, the resultsIlya Zibareva positively evaluated by the Board of Directors (read - a shareholder in the face Dmitry Pumpyansky). However, sources close to the bank say that the change of the bank's management is under a variety of reasons.

The most obvious, which catches the eye - it's deteriorating financial performance of the bank and its unprofitability. Recall that by the end of the third quarter of SKB showed 377.3 million rubles loss. In the same period last year profit was more than a billion rubles. However, we must admit that in this case SKB only be general banking trend in Russia - the loss-making banks is becoming more and there are not only subjective, but also objective reasons: deterioration in the economy, changes in the Central Bank, geopolitical policy circumstances.

It is said that Elijah Zibareva did not manage to neutralize the notorious differences in mentality and behavior of the metropolitan and local managers and businessmen. Usually talk about it this way: "Not all metropolitan professionals suited Ural harsh climate." The team did not always understand the personal ambitions and a hundredZibareva personal needs and style of communication. "Even Dmitry Pumpyanskiy (the main shareholder - Ed.) Did not conduct himself well," - said one of the interlocutors Znak.com.

There were absurdities, and at a higher level. So, one of the highlights of working with the Bank of Russia had to personally decide Mikhail Chairman of the Board of Directors of Jodorowsky, though traditionally these issues are in the competence of the head of the bank, which angered shareholders.

Perhaps one of the reasons is also the fact that Ilya Zebari did not for a group uniting leader who was his predecessor, Vladimir Pukhov. It was hardly possible, in principle, for a long time a top manager spent on trips to the family. Moreover, until now, he had no experience of the sole head of a major bank.

"With things like that faced by any new leader, and Ilya Zebari was no exception - says another interviewee familiar with the situation. - Yes, the shareholder may have a claim to it, but no hard rejection or conflict was not the team, and with all the moments can be tolerated, ieIf the situation is not to stay in the two cities. In today's reality must always be on a knife edge. This proved to be very difficult. Ilya Zebari made his choice, and the board agreed with him. "

However, despite the fact that the experience of working with the Moscow professional group is seen as a positive, the next chairman of SKB-Bank's Board Ural is representative of the banking system. Root of Sverdlovsk, 39-year-old Denis Repnikov graduated from Ural State Technical University before joining the Commercial Bank has worked at the headquarters of the Central Bank of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region. The SKB-Bank it since 2003, was promoted from head of department to the first Vice-Chairman of the Board (with the post he goes into a senior position). Denis Repnikov - a former student Michael Jodorowsky, a man good and long familiar as the Bank team and its shareholder, which positively regarded in the banking community.

Last Affair, which remained until not disclosed - is the development strategy of SKB-Bank until 2019, which was prepared with the participation of Ilya Zibaroar, and it was approved by the Board of Directors in October. They promise that the strategy, which will be implemented already Denis Repnikov soon will tell more detail.