Dmitry Rogozin spent on real estate more money than he earned

The head of "Roskosmos" found a new cottage for half a billion and two luxury cars.
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Last week, President Vladimir Putin was once again outraged by an ongoing series of corruption scandals at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, which Roscosmos is building. “They steal hundreds of millions,” the president stated. The head of Roskosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, first objected to the president that there were no more embezzlements on Vostochny, and today investigators opened two new criminal cases because of thefts during the construction of the cosmodrome. Roscosmos has been headed by Dmitry Rogozin for more than a year, corruption in the Vostochny has not decreased over this time, but Rogozin himself has a new summer residence.

Argued with Putin

The theft during the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome, estimated at billions of rubles, could not be completely stopped, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with government members on November 11. He demanded to prevent the misuse of funds when purchasing machinery and equipment for the implementation of national projects.

“A hundred times it was said: work transparently, big money is allocated, the project is almost nationwide. No, they steal hundreds of millions, ”said the head of state.

The head of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin immediately retorted that all these thefts occurred during the construction of only the first stage of the spaceport. He holds the second turn under vigilant control and will not allow any thefts there. As it became known today, the investigating authorities opened two new criminal cases on the facts of theft during the construction at the Vostochny Cosmodrome. The amount of theft amounted to 256 million rubles. What Rogozin himself thinks about this is still unknown.

Good salary

Meanwhile, the Alexey Navalny Anti-Corruption Fund has published a new investigation, which reveals new real estate acquisitions made by Rogozin during his short-term management of Roskosmos.

As FBK found out, last year Rogozin declared 29.5 million rubles of annual income, of which he received 23.5 million rubles in the form of a salary. For comparison, the director of the American NASA receives only 16 million rubles a year ($ 250 thousand). Also over the past year, Rogozin and his wife got two new cars - a Mercedes for 12 million rubles and a Range Rover for 8 million rubles.

Both myself and my father-in-law

A separate item is another acquisition - a land plot of 2.3 thousand square meters. meters and a huge house - almost 800 square meters. meters.
“The cottage is located in the north of Moscow, just a little bit beyond the Moscow Ring Road, in the Khimki region. It is an almost 800-meter brand new country house of Rogozin, which stands on a pretty forest plot, 25 acres (we also see it in the latest declaration of Rogozin). But then a surprise awaited us. A month ago, Rogozin expanded his possessions exactly two times. That is, now this is a half-hectare plot. And now work is boiling on it, as at the Vostochny spaceport. They’re erecting a gazebo, building materials everywhere, but you can see the already built impressive bathhouse in the back, ”describes Navalny the estate of the head of Roskosmos.

At the same time, in the vicinity of Rogozin's dacha, another section was discovered, which is connected to the first one gate. The area of ​​the house on the adjacent plot is 808 square meters. meters, and its owner, according to Rosreestra, is "PHYSICAL FACE". But four years ago, the owner of the house was Gennady Nikolayevich Serebryakov - that’s the name of Rogozin's father-in-law.

If the plot and the house of Rogozin Navalny himself is estimated at 200 million rubles, then the property of his father-in-law is 150 million rubles, comparing with the prices of similar real estate objects.

Rogozin’s father-in-law worked all his life in the KGB, and he became the owner of a luxury summer residence at the age of 77 (now he is 81 years old). The fighter against corruption, the origin of the income of a former security officer who can afford to buy such a cottage, raise questions. There are also doubts about the legitimacy of the sources of income, due to which Dmitry Rogozin was able to acquire his plot - with an official income of 23 million rubles a year.

“Thus, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, and I — and I am sure the whole country — raises the following question for you: can you explain from the point of view of transparency that you require, the appearance of the property of the head of the Russian Space Agency in the family? 350 million - what is according to the declarations - is three times more than Dmitry Rogozin could earn as an official in his whole life, ”Navalny concludes his investigation with an appeal to President Vladimir Putin.