The Soyuz-5 launch vehicle went up by 8.5 billion rubles

The cost of developing a new carrier rocket Soyuz-5 for the month increased by 14% and now amounts to 61.19 billion rubles. For a year the rocket has risen in price more than twice: in the summer of 2017 "Roskosmos" reported that 30 billion rubles have been allocated for the creation.
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The project to create a new generation of the Phoenix mid-range space rocket complex, which plans to develop the newest Soyuz-5 launch vehicle, has risen in price by 14% (8.5 billion rubles). From the procurement schedule of the state corporation Roskosmos, it follows that 61.19 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes. In the previous, April version of the document it was indicated that the development of the carrier would cost 52.69 billion rubles.

According to the plan in 2018, the development of the launch vehicle is planned to spend 2.19 billion rubles, in 2019 - 4 billion, in 2020 - 7.58 billion. The remaining most of the amount - 47.4 billion rubles. - the state corporation plans to spend after 2020.

"Soyuz-5" is being developed by the corporation "Energia". The launch vehicle, according to the calculations of the designers, will be able to bring to Earth orbit up to 17 tons of payload, and to the geostationary orbit - up to 2.5 tons. Based on it, the engineers took the Zenit rocket carrier, but instead of the RD engines -120 (produced Dnipropetrovsk Yuzhmashzavod) on the new rocket will be installed RD-0124A (they are used in the third stage of the "Union 2.1b").

Initially, the project "Phoenix" was allocated 30 billion rubles. In 2016, the head of Roskosmos Igor Komarov noted that the project "Phoenix" will not pay off. In 2017, Komarov said that the creation of a launch vehicle would take seven to eight years (to be developed by designers in 2018).