Central Bank demanded Jugra Bank to reserve 40 billion rubles

Owners of the bank are crypto-businessmen Alexey and Yuri Khotins, are to renew the bank's capital.
In the second half of May, the bank "Yugra" received the instruction of the Central Bank: the bank will have to create reserves of more than 40 billion rubles. Several people told about the order to Vedomosti: the banker, who learned about the contents of the document from the employees of the Central Bank, the Yugra counterparty and the state banker who received information about the order from one of the top Central Bank executives, as well as a businessman who knows this from the security forces. Two of Vedomosti's interlocutors say that reserves need to be rebuilt by about 46 billion rubles. The third knows that the size of the undiscovered reserves is about 50 billion rubles. The counterparty of the bank indicates that the regulator gave it a short time.

 For the bank such a completion of the reserves is material, the Vedomosti interlocutors agree, in fact, this may lead to the loss of most of the capital by Yugra.

The capital of Yugra was 51.7 billion rubles by May 1. As of May 1, the safety margin (according to the norm of the base capital of H1.1) allowed to cover the loss from the depreciation of assets by no more than 12.7 billion rubles without capital injections or emergency repayment of the loan portfolio, RAEX methodologist Yuri Belikov estimated, or approximately 4, 8% of the loan portfolio. "Reserve to 46 billion rubles. Would mean an almost complete loss of capital by the bank, violation of all capital adequacy ratios and their possible decline below 2%, "Belikov concludes, and states that in this case, the Central Bank is obliged to apply supervisory measures to the bank. Without the help of shareholders with such reserves, it is difficult to cope, the solidarity of two bankers who know about the order.

Last year, shareholders already helped Ugra. After checking the bank, the Central Bank issued an order, and the bank from the end of the first quarter of 2016 actively created reserves, in just one year he spent 29 billion rubles on this. For a similar amount - more than 28 billion rubles. - shareholders forgave the bank of debts on bills and deposits, which the bank took into account as their gratuitous assistance and was able to save capital: for the entire 2016, Yugra reduced its loss from 33.2 billion to 4.7 billion rubles. (RAS data).

 But this year the Central Bank did not limit itself to reserves and also imposed restrictions on operations with assets and liabilities, says the banker, who knows this from the employees of the Central Bank, and confirms the bank's counterpart. The Central Bank limited Ugra to placing on its behalf funds raised by it from companies and the public into securities, as well as issuing loans to legal entities. The amount that is allowed to dispose of Yugra is very insignificant for the bank's balance sheet, Vedomosti's first interlocutor says. The restriction also applies to novation agreements (the replacement of one obligation with another), the transfer of a debt, the assignment of claims on loans, as well as to contracts of trust management, financial leases and other contracts related to alienation, he lists. The CB limited the bank and the possibility of buying and selling its property, transfer of property for rent or encumbrance in favor of third parties. Yugra has never been active in retail banking before, the Central Bank also preferred lending to individuals, Vedomosti interlocutor concludes.

"The CBR has really restricted lending to individuals and legal entities, as well as the assignment of claims and other transactions with assets," confirms the bank's counterpart: restrictions have been introduced to protect the bank from a possible withdrawal of assets.

These kinds of restrictions actually mean stopping the bank's activity, deposits of individuals are the main source of funding for Yugra, and loans to companies are the main income asset, Belikov says. Incomes from loans to legal entities give more than 99% of interest income of a credit institution, he points out. "In addition, the possible restriction on the alienation of assets does not allow to affect the situation in any other way, except as an infusion of capital from the owners. The restriction also does not allow to outweigh the problem assets to the balance of other companies under the contract of assignment of rights of demand and not to form reserves on them, which banks, in principle, are widely practiced in case of threat of pressure on the capital as a result of the prescription, "concludes Belikov.

In response to the questions of Vedomosti, whether the bank can confirm or deny the order to complete the reserves, the timing of the formation of provisions, and the restrictions on operations and shareholders' readiness to support the bank sent on Friday morning, the Progress agency (engaged in PR support of the bank) Gave comments, but then refused them, promising that the comments will be prepared by the press service of Ugra. But by the time of delivery of the number on Sunday, the press service has limited itself to asking for "documents that guide the editorial office."

Bank under close scrutiny

After Ugra had a malfunction, which made it difficult to work with clients, an unscheduled inspection of the regulator went out to the bank, which Ugra confirmed publicly. At the end of April, the Central Bank limited Ugra to raising shareholders' funds with a stake of less than 0.01%, Vedomosti was told by two people who knew this from the Central Bank and from the acquaintance of Alexei Khotin, the owner of the bank. The regulator had comments on the implementation of the restriction: in particular, the Central Bank drew attention to the fact that large investors became shareholders of the bank.