Demyan Kudryavtsev reregistered The Moscow Times to his wife

This will help him to comply with the law on the limitation of the proportion of foreigners in the media.
LLC "Moskoutayms" founder to November 3, 2015 is Yana Kudryavtseva-Moselle, from the data the Unified Register of Legal Entities (Entities). Earlier, on February 28, 2015, the sole founder of this company was Demyan Kudryavtsev - the former head of the publishing house "Kommersant" and founder of the agency "Clear Communication».

Kudryavtsev confirmed "Vedomosti" that this has occurred and re-Kudryavtsev that Moselle - his wife. From other comments he refused.

"Moskoutayms" LLC manages the newspaper The Moscow Times, as well as several editions of "United Press» (Men's Health, National Geographic). All of these assets were acquired Kudryavtsev spring of this year the Finnish Sanoma publishing house. Together with them Kudryavtsev also bought 33.3% of the business newspaper "Vedomosti" (not of "Moskoutayms"). The amount of the transaction were not disclosed. Sanoma just reported that "the net effect of the transaction on the Group's equity of approximately 8 million euros to foreign currency translation adjustments."

Kudryavtsev re-registered LLC "Moskoutayms" his wife to fulfill the requirements of the new districtUSSIAN legislation prohibiting foreigners from owning more than 20% of the Russian media, said his friend. In Kudryavtseva was previously the citizenship of Israel, he gave it up, but can not prove this fact regulator - Roskomnadzor. In the State of Israel, as in many other countries, there is no form of confirmation of refusal of citizenship, says the source "Vedomosti". A disclaimer provided in Roskomnadzor, the agency does not accept.

This information "Vedomosti" confirmed an employee Roskomnadzor. According to him, the agency does not consider the document an application for renunciation of citizenship because it is "not certified by anyone and does not prove that the person really is no longer a citizen of another country." Re-registration of mass media at his wife if she is only a citizen of Russia, the issues at Roskomnadzor does not cause, agency staff said. Roskomnadzor spokesman declined to comment.

Familiar Kudryavtseva said that in the future ownership of the company "Moskoutayms" can be re-registered to a family trust, whichit will have a smaller share to enable it to fulfill legal requirements.

Today the newspaper "Kommersant" reported that Kudryavtsev agrees to buy back the remaining shares in the newspaper "Vedomosti" in its foreign shareholders - FT Group (publishes the newspaper Financial Times) and Dow Jones (publishes the newspaper The Wall Street Journal). Earlier this "Vedomosti" told several sources in the media market. "Vedomosti" owned by foreign companies and the owners of the new edition will be another year (until February 2017) to bring its structure into line with the legislation, says a person close to the negotiators. Indeed, in February 2016 the new legislation limits start to apply to foreign shareholders of the Russian media, and in 2017 the law will take effect in respect of the Russian mass media owners who control them through offshore.

The owners of the Russian media in different ways to adapt to the requirements of the new law: some seek to forbid circumvention of the scheme, the other - to sell shares to investors from Russia or even withdraw from the market. Thus, this week FederalAntimonopoly Service (FAS) has approved the sale of the Russian business ID Burda her own accountant: he will receive 90% of the Russian Burda, a German publishing house will remain the owner of 10%. A similar scheme has recently used family funds Baring Vostok when buying from non-FTA MTG Viasat channels in Russia. Controlling stake of the Russian business was sold to a specially created for the transaction of company "Synergy", 80% of which belong to the President of the outdoor advertising operator Gallery (it previously invested Baring) Anatoly Karjakin, the rest - at Baring Vostok.

The largest company, which will have to change the structure, - CTC Media holding. In July, he received an offer from YUTV Alisher Usmanov and Ivan Tavrina purchase 75% of its Russian business. The publishing house Axel Springer Russia (published in Russia, in particular, of Forbes magazine) recently acquired company Artcom Media Group businessman Alexander Fedotov. A Swiss Edipresse completely gone from the Russian market by selling 100% of its Russian "daughter" its director general Maxim Zimin.