Colonel General Sergei Shlyakov was caught in a fictitious job placement

The former first deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was detained for fraud in his palace in the Moscow region.
Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have detained today the former first deputy head EMERCOM of Russia Colonel-General in retirement Sergei Shlyakov. He is suspected of a particularly large fraud, not connected with the former service. According to the investigation, General Shlyakov and his acquaintances promised to employ a former official, took a large sum from him, but in the end they were deceived.

Today, the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs officers detained four suspects in a particularly large fraud in the Moscow region (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code). Among them was Sergei Shlyakov, who was dismissed from the post of the first deputy head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in 2015. All four were taken to the GUS of the GU MVD in Moscow and after interrogation they detained for two days.

According to investigators, one of the former Yaroslavl officials appealed to General Shlyakov and his friends with a request to help with further employment. For this shredders received from him several million rubles, but their promises were not fulfilled.

Despite the fact that nothing criminal during the searches in the house of General Shlyakov living in the SNT "Bear Lake", and his friends the police did not find, today he can be in the Tverskoi District Court, which will choose preventive measures for the detainees.

However, it is already obvious that with regard to the colonel-general, the court decides to limit itself to a preventive measure that is not related to imprisonment in the SIZO. The fact is that the alleged crime is in no way connected with the official activities of the former deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and he himself is a very respected person. Suffice it to say that he participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and personally led large rescue operations, including during the military operations in South Ossetia and in connection with the crash of the Ruslan aircraft in Irkutsk. For this the general was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland of the 4th degree, the Honor and For Military Merit, as well as a dozen medals of various ministries and departments.