GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


Serial bank destroyer Vladimir Romanov


A former beneficiary of financial institutions that owe billions has been detained.

Dmitry Zakharchenko will beat European Court of Human Rights


A former billionaire policeman seeks justice without delay.

Dmitry Zakharchenko spoke for six months


The billionaire policeman was reduced to a sentence.

Dmitry Zakharchenko tied to the "Moldavian Landromat"


The ex-colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs could provide cover for the withdrawal of more than $ 250 million by the beneficiaries of the 1520 group, investigators believe. They are studying the role of Moldovan politicians in the case, including Renato Usatii, who is still witnessing.

Dmitry Zakharchenko admitted that he is not a saint


The richest Russian policeman explained his landing by a conflict with the FSB.

Colonel Zakharchenko was sent to court


The case of a former officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who collected more than 9 billion rubles in foreign currency at his apartment, was completed.

Colonel General Sergei Shlyakov was caught in a fictitious job placement


The former first deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was detained for fraud in his palace in the Moscow region.