"The hungry" Boris Mints did not have enough appetite

The collapse of the "Opening" bank froze all transactions of the O1 Group for the purchase of new assets.
The shake-up in the Russian banking sector forced large investors in the real estate market to refuse to purchase liquid objects. According to Kommersant, O1 Group Boris Mints, whose interests affect the rehabilitation of FC Opening, decided not to close the acquisition of the Nevsky Center shopping center in St. Petersburg. While the group, considering the opportunity to enter the market of trade centers, will concentrate on the traditional direction for itself - the development of business centers and the construction of premium-class apartments.

O1 Group suspended investments in trade centers, told "Kommersant" three consultants in the real estate market. According to one of them, among the deals that the company has not closed, is the purchase of Nevsky Center shopping center (91,000 sq. M, the last Stockmann network in Russia) near the Moscow railway station in St. Petersburg. O1 Group was also interested in buying Vnukovo Outlet Village (the owners of the facility Dmitry Kulkov and Dmitry Razumnov), Novinsky Passage (owned by VEB), and the Trade Center Butovo Mall (MD Group). But before the transactions did not come. The press service O1 Properties did not deny this fact, adding that the company's strategy is to invest in quality office real estate. This year, O1 Properties invests in the second phase of the renovation of the former Bolshevik confectionery in the north of Moscow, where apartments are also planned, and the A-Residence project (elite apartments in Zamoskvorechye).

O1 Group has two key business areas - commercial real estate and management of non-state pension funds (NPFs). Her interests in the office real estate market are represented by O1 Properties, owning and managing 15 operating business centers with a total leased area of ​​584 thousand square meters. The market value of these facilities is $ 4.34 billion. Future NPFs, Telecom-Soyuz, and Education are merged into the financial group Future. The total volume of assets managed by the group, as of June 2017, amounted to 334 billion rubles.

Public interest in commercial real estate from the O1 Group, whose portfolio only office centers, appeared when the Austrian Immofinanz put up for sale its Russian portfolio (five retail centers, which in late 2017 bought the St. Petersburg Fort Group). Interest in the segment, Boris Mintz explained a profitable drop in prices for retail properties.

Sources at Kommersant believe that O1 Properties did not close the deal due to increased tensions in the banking market, and primarily because of the situation surrounding FC Opening, which was transferred to the control of the Central Bank. On the recovery of the bank regulator issued 456 billion rubles. Owner O1 Group Boris Mintz was among the founders of the "Discovery", he sold his shares in 2013, but business ties with the main owner of the holding Vadim Belyaev remained. O1 Group was credited to FC Opening, and NPF Future included in the bank's shares. As a result, following the results of nine months of 2017 NPF "Future" reported a loss of 2.6 billion rubles. due to negative revaluation of investments, a significant part of which fell on the shares of "Discovery" and IC "Rosgosstrakh" (also entered the perimeter of the rehabilitation of FC Opening).

Partner Capital Global Partners Svetlana Kara confirms that the situation in the commercial real estate market has to invest, but the number of investors due to large-scale problems in the banking sector has fallen. "In addition to O1, there is no need to wait for investments from the group" Safmar "of the Gutseriev-Shishkhanov family, which actively bought real estate," she recalls. The profile of investors has changed: foreign players return to the market, but from Asia and from the Middle East. According to JLL, the volume of investments in commercial real estate in Russia in 2017 was 9% more than in 2016, and amounted to $ 4.6 billion. Among the largest funds on the market, Chinese and American investors were active.