Rosneft acquired a grand prince's palace

The building two steps from the Hermitage is estimated at 0.5-3.2 billion rubles.
In April, "Rosneft" rented in St. Petersburg LLC "RN-trading" of the non-residential building on the Admiralty embankment, 8. This is the palace of Grand Duke Mikhail Mikhailovich Romanov was built in the late XIX century. for the grandson of Nicholas I, between the Winter Palace and St. Isaac's Cathedral. federal monument was sold Petrograd authorities in 2011. The cost of rent 4907 square meters. m at 11 months is more than 69.3 million rubles., the monthly payment, it is said in the minutes of procurement commission of "Rosneft".

It is about 1.5 times more expensive than the average market rate for such facilities should be an assessment of the general director of Knight Frank Saint-Petersburg Nikolai Pashkov. "Rent without reconstruction may cost about 800 rubles. for 1 sq. m per month, - he says. - After the reconstruction of a business center Class A rate could rise to 2,000 rubles. ". Performance is quite conventional, the expert said: to use all the office space is not possible security obligations not allow you to create a high quality office properties. Moreover, the "market princely palaces in St. Petersburg No" indicates Pashkov.

100% "RN-trading" belongs to Peterskomu the "RN-Trade", 100% of which is, in turn, belongs to the "Rosneft", says the data "SPARK-Interfax". These companies are listed in the list of affiliated "Rosneft" persons. The main activity of "RN-trading" - wholesale fuel. In September 2014, the company became the owner of the Palace of 5030 square meters. m and the land beneath it in 2208 square meters. m and 3135 sq. m in the annexe part of the ensemble of the Black Sea Lane, 4, with a land size of 1877 square meters. m cadastral value of the palace -. 256 300 000 rubles, the areas in the wing -. 67.6 million rubles, plots -. 49.8 million and 42.4 million rubles. respectively. Before the owner of these assets was CJSC "Region Leasing", a member of the Civil Code "Region".

The fate of the palace

Grand Duke Mikhail Mikhailovich Palace with outbuilding and land was sold to the Property Fund of St. Petersburg in February 2011, at a starting price of 520 million rubles. Buyer has become of "Grand Duke Mikhail Mikhailovich Romanov Palace" (now - "Profitinvest"). A year later, the buyer put up a complex for sale for 1.3 billion rub., in autumn 2013 the price was reduced to 1.2 billion rubles. In April 2014 he became the owner of the "Region of leasing," according to the Unified State Register data.

Experts differed in real estate appraisal. According to Pashkov, economically justified the cost of historic palaces with the exclusive location (water view) in this part of St. Petersburg's city center is 100 000-110 000 rubles. for 1 sq. M. "Under such conditions, it makes sense to take them under renovation," - he said. It turns out, the whole palace to cost 500-550 million rubles.

General Director of the St. Petersburg office of Colliers International Andrei Kosarev said that buying a palace with the investment objectives do not need more than 750 million rubles. But at the end-user purchase for their own use, and the price could rise to 1-1.5 billion rubles. "But there are very few on the market", - specifies Kosarev.

The Kalinka Group market value of the princely palace appreciated even more expensive - at $ 40-50 million (2.5-3.2 billion rubles at the current rate.). Board of Directors Chairman Ekaterina Rumyantsev recalled that in 2010, Alisher Usmanov bought for $ 40 million fully renovatedCount Sheremetev palace - house of about 4,700 square meters. m at the intersection Shpalernaya Krichevsky street and alley in the area of ​​1500 square meters. m.

For real estate, especially commercial status of the "Palace" does not add value and often prevents the implementation, said Rumyantsev: "The historical property of the" Palace on the Moika "or" Palace on the Neva River "for the most part there is only the image component in the price list it will not add" . In her estimation, has long exhibited objects whose value is compared with a market inflated by 30-50% in St. Petersburg's historic center. For example, the palace of Nikolai Chicherin (area -. 24 000 sq m) on the Nevsky Prospekt and Palace Eliseev (. 9800 sq m) on the Moika River offered for sale at a price of 12 500 euros per 1 square. M. In terms of investment, these objects are not interested because of the low liquidity, large areas for common areas and small - for hotel rooms, and all the elements of the palace - it's just fashion element without the functional load, said Rumyantsev. Buyer should be either state-owned corporation, which is requiredClamps are large areas and have the opportunity to buy them, or patron, who is willing to invest in such facilities and to bear all the costs of reconstruction and security obligations, without commercial component, in her opinion.

What are the plans of the oil company in the palace, it was not possible to find out. "Rosneft" representative declined to comment. The "RN-trading" are not asked to send e-mail, and the "official request in hard copy signed by an authorized person". In GC "Region" and declined to comment.