The owner of the 3.6% stake in Polymetal was the company A & NN Capital Management Fund Limited, of which the beneficiaries - Nicholas, Peter and Esther Mamut, Polymetal said. The businessman controls 6.54% of the company, that is, he and his family owns a total of 10.14% stake in gold miner. Based on the company's capitalization on the London Stock Exchange, its share, the children inherited Mamut is worth about $ 132 million.
Children billionaire owned A & NN Capital Management Fund does not directly indicate data Polymetal: the owner of the fund listed company Lynwood Green Limited.
Businessman has long wanted to transfer some assets to children, he thinks about the heirs, says the man from the environment Mamut. Some of the assets, until recently, he owned together with the children through a trust. Now they are highlighted in the new trust, which owns Lynwood Green, it acts solely in the interests of Nicholas, Peter and Esther, he said. While the assets of the trust will be managed by the same team as before. These assets include in particular the 3.6% stake in Polymetal. Most Russian assets ( "Discovery Capital", PIK, Rambler & Co) will remain a businessman.
about NicholasMamut Forbes wrote in 2011 that he was a pupil of the Moscow School of Economics. Played football in the school team, along with Dan Davidovich, the son of former partner Roman Abramovich, and with the most at that time youngest participant list, Forbes Denis Bazhaev, heir to the founder of "Alliance Group" Zia Bazhaev magazine wrote. In Nicholas's Facebook page it says that he is now studying at Eton College in the UK. And Peter and Esther even very young children - they do not have two years, say two Mamut friends.
The transfer of shares to children - a natural process: the years go by, the risks increase, - says businessman familiar with Mamut. - Therefore, businessmen in any case try to give children the opportunity to own the asset directly. "We actually first generation of capital accumulation, the time is now to transform this generation of pensioners, because time inevitably takes its" - he argues.
Alexander Mamut has not responded to questions about the RBC. With his son Nicholas could not be reached.
The publisher and financier
Alexander Mamut - one of the richest businessmen of Russia, in 2014 thfrom Forbes magazine estimated his fortune at $ 2.3 billion and put it on the 42 th place in its ranking. Of Polymetal In addition, it also owns 16% of the developer PIK, bookstores in the UK, 6.67% "Opening Capital" and other assets. The area also got billionaire interests and the scope of the media - it owns 50% of "Afisha-Rambler-SUPĀ» holding.
Business inherited
Roman Abramovich (the assessment of Forbes, in 2014 possessed a fortune of $ 9.1 billion), grown rich on oil and metals in 2005 sold "Sibneft" "Gazprom", but completely out of the oil business did not come out. He is investing in alternative energy, in particular the Israeli AcousticEye Inc., specializes in the development of non-destructive testing methods of the state oil and pipes gazoprovdov and American Propell Technologies, which promotes plasma technology to improve gas and oil.
Oil projects there and his son Arkady Abramovich. His company ARA Capital Limited - the largest shareholder Zoltav Resourses British oil and gas company (39.62%), "daughter" of which work on the fields in the Khanty-Mansiyskm Autonomous District and the Saratov region. This share on the London Stock Exchange on Wednesday was worth 26.4 million pounds ($ 40.8 million).
The past year was marked by the fact that children of entrepreneurs who are designated as "Putin's inner circle" began to receive from the fathers of their assets in the business.
In September, the fund Volga Group, combining the assets of a businessman Gennady Timchenko, announced the sale of 17% of the petrochemical company "Sibur" company Cyril Shamalova - the son of the owner of 10.3% of the bank "Russia" Nikolay Shamalova (bank owned and Timchenko). Shamalov Jr., who has bought a total of 4.3% of shares "Sibur" in 2011 and 2013 and is deputy chairman of the company, it has become the second largest shareholder after the package Leonid Michelson. The cost of the transaction parties not disclosed.
According to the information on the website of "Sibur", Shamalov Cyril became vice-president of the company in 2008 at the age of 26 years. Prior to this he has worked in the legal department of Gazprombank and a consultant of the Department of Economy and Finance of the government staff.
Arkady RoRothenberg sold his son Igor 28% "Mostotrest" in October last year, as well as a stake in the development company "SCC Real Estate" and "Gazprom drilling". Rothenberg Jr. argued in an interview with Tass that all transactions were cash, "Gazprom drilling", he said, he had bought with the money received from the sale of 15% "Stroymontage". Thus, in the hands of his concentrated 79% of the infrastructure companies, major contractors of "Gazprom". Even before the deal, he was co-owner of "Skaneks" - operator "GLONASS" system, specializing in satellite images of the Earth.
Arkady Rotenberg and Gennady Timchenko Nikolai Shamalov are in US sanctions lists, and Rothenberg - and even the European Union.
A & NN Capital Management Fund is listed as the owner of 3.6% of shares of Polymetal in September last year, but then through a chain of firms it was itself the beneficiary of Mamut. The same company, in particular, has a chain of Waterstones bookshops in London, said in published reports Waterstones. In addition, A & NN Capital Management Fund Cyprus holds 55% Migcredit Holdings, which in turn isadeet company "MigKredit" issued by the Russian population microloans. At A & NN Capital Management Fund recorded 4.6% of the publishing house "Azbuka-Atticus" through Cyprus Atticus Publishing, still 48.2% owned publishing Mamut through other companies, from the data of the Cyprus Registry.
Mamut children who quit the company featured a few years ago in another transaction in 2008 it controlled a network of mobile phones "Euroset" and her Cypriot "daughter" has sold a stake in the network "VimpelCom", the report said the latter.
The remaining assets of Mamut owned by other entities.
The new structure of assets "nefinalnaya" is still a name change, company owners and other formalities, RBC said the man from the environment businessman.