

Glitter and poverty of the gold digger Alexander Nesis


Where a businessman puts money.

China stuck a knife in the back of the Russian Federation


Chinese banks do not want to work with Russian clients because of international sanctions.

Gold mining companies opposed the removal of their super-profits


They have already threatened with a lack of gold for external settlements of the country, which in the future can repeat the experience of Iran and North Korea.

Polymetal gold-dressing factory in Kazakhstan is launched ahead of schedule


The project will cost the company 325 million dollars.

Polymetal collects gold


The company can consolidate the Nezhdaninskoye gold field.

Polyus gives away extra gold


Ivan Kulakov got the control over Nezhdaninskoye.

Polymetal relies on platinum


After 10-15 years, the platinum group metals will account for one-fifth of the company's production.

Polymetal can buy Russia's largest silver deposit


Polymetal and Baker Steel Resources Trust Limited signed an agreement to buy 10% stake in Polar Silver Resources for $3 million, the companies said.

Šmejc Jiri and Petr Kellner sold about 6% of Polymetal


Alexander Nesis's ICT Group is ready to buy part of the shares.

Billionaire Mamut made some of his assets over to three children


According to RBC, billionaire Alexander Mamut, transfers part of its assets to minor children. The trust created for them will own his foreign assets and share in the silver miner company Polymetal.