Badri Shengelia died for the right to be a witness

A week before the shooting, Badri Shengelia was removed from the state defense. And soon he had to bribe a serious functionary. Today, influential people once again started talking about the Raiders brand.
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Well, there is not a serious security official, no gangster, no businessman in St. Petersburg or Moscow, who would not have uttered an abstract phrase over the past ten years: "When will he be killed?" At the age of 53, Shengelia accumulated at least five hundred dangerous opponents in various spheres. But not enemies, because the adult "business" is translated as "business" and does not involve human emotions. It so happened that the author knows the murdered 30 years and dares to assert that we have observed the phenomenon. Therefore, "Fontanka" also represents his posthumous portrait.

The police report in a slightly free statement is as follows: "At about 13:30 on September 17, 2018, at the 21st kilometer of the Novoprioserskoye Highway in the Vsevolozhsky District of the Leningrad Region, an unknown criminal from a Mercedes Mercedes white car with Finnish numbers fired several turns, presumably from a Kalashnikov assault rifle, Mersedes S500, which was driven by citizen Shengelia B.A. Born in 1965. As a result, the car of the victim moved into a ditch, flew through a drainage ditch, continued to move and stopped near the forest belt. Arriving physicians ascertained death from received bullet wounds to the head. On the body of a foreign car, the forensic expert counted more than ten bullet holes. Also, when examining knees at Shengelia, a Grand Power gun was found. "

It turned out that such a barrel Kalashnikov not pereshibesh.

The news began at 14:00. Around 14:20 hundreds of police officers, FSB, investigation committees and prosecutors temporarily stopped serving and exchanged replicas. Sublimating their texts: "That's it!"

Born in Soviet Georgia, Badri Shengelia came to Leningrad by the mid-1980s. But do not enter the university. His father is a military pilot, a communist, a mother a housewife, and Shengelia has 8 classes of education. Then he did a diploma of technical school somewhere, but hardly remembered where he was. By the way, he dived into the city of Lenin already with experience - he was attracted to the youth in Sochi.

But if on the Nevsky Prospekt under red power the most trump cards were considered to be criminals, a sharper, and then a master of sports, then Badri went on the classic shadow path. The Soviet Union was so manned by a deficit and dowdy trade workers that his first trade - self-made jeans - gave him literally the first million. He took the accessories in the Baltic States, the matter - in Poland, the stickers were stamped at the sewing industries, and the modists sat in rented apartments. Since all this show was going on before my eyes, I responsibly declare: the department for combating the theft of socialist property has never bothered it. He bought some, the latter were not as good as his level. In short, he left in the restaurants for the evening rubles to fifty at the engineer's salary in 115. This is when he did not walk.

Of course, he met the restructuring and the bourgeois revolution with applause. However, like all other passionaries.

In the nineties, Shengelia begins to buy up businesses where wages have run out. Originally rushes into a topic that knows everything, - fabrics, fashion trousers. However, there is a nuance: unlike the overwhelming number of co-operators of that time, he does not pay the bratwe. No, without meeting them, of course, does not do. But Shengelia is one step ahead of the stereotypes of behavior - he is guarded by police officers, and on the siding he has a small team from the Caucasus. These are ready and shooting.

So he took off at convenient times, powerfully and correctly. So would continue - we would have found it today in the Forbes rating. Yet Badri is among those who are more pleasant to cheat on the dollar than to beat the fair in hundred. It's just that he has "ah-na-ne!" In his blood, like a gypsy.

It seems that he has bought out decent assets, as, for example, on Ligovsky Prospekt. And the apartments are status, and everything pulls on real estate scam, and that there are necessarily legal delights that can be contested in arbitration for a long time. From a couple of dozens of criminal cases, he dodges, as from drops in the rain, but in 2004 still pripyat to fraud. Then on his business card it was written: "President of KB Sheksninsky." A little bit sat and went out. To a greater rumble of his buddies tax collectors.

Finally, his finest hour arrived. After the whole country watched ecstatically with the greatest battle of "zero" between supercompanies "Basic Element" and "Ilim Pulp", where hundreds of judges and generals took part on different sides, the second echelon of talented Raiders seemed to have regained consciousness. But the St. Petersburg gangster clans did not know the coveted password. I still had strength, and my skills were all boxing.

The event occurred on a warm day in a cafe on Vosstaniya Street. Shengelia chased the conversation with his friend, a former employee of the 15th tax inspection, Slava Orlov. He jokingly and said: they say, the system in the "spot" is so imperfect that, when filing documents in the window to replace the directors or owners, you practically do not ask anything. And if you still thank, it's not a theme, but a fairy tale.

Many fell on the head of an apple, but only one guessed why the moon does not fall to Earth. So with Badri - mentally he exclaimed: "Eureka!" (I note that this is not a legend, as with Isaac.) Shengelia personally told me.)

So he began to get killed on frontmen of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Spent on the operation of dollars for a thousand, and aspiring organized crime pushed this product for hundreds of thousands of dollars. They were not in the know and believed that this is possible only with bribes to higher circles. I apologize, but the "Tambov" at this stage looked like burnt fuckers.

In general, if you remember, it began - you can not describe it in words, it was not clear even by what principle the pirates chose the objects they needed for the capture: whether it pleased the shop window or whether it was convenient to park. And since the encirclement of the now disgraced enemy of the state No. 1 Barsukov-Kumarin historically kept the center, then in the restaurant on Vladimirsky Prospekt "Golden Country" the mafia decided: Nevsky should be theirs. And with all.

I personally heard the cry of Barsukov's assistant, who is now serving in the colony, Slava Drokova: "Yes, Matvienko has his own Matviyenko!" From here on, he flew about the "night governor".

But intraspecific struggle led to the fact that in September 2006 Shengelia was still arrested for fraud in the factory "Rabochy". And before that, in the Priozersky district, the corpse of the very Orlov, the genius of the scheme, was found. To the first hand, and attached "Tambov" - probably offended that turned out to be simpletons. In occasion of Орлова sin on most Шенгелию supposedly became Орлов with the competences. Badri was in a cell - with diabetes, without insulin - and was very angry.

Madness with the total support of law enforcement officers of all stripes, which also joined a variety of mafia families, continued until the summer of 2007. Suddenly, Vladimir Vladimirovich could not restrain himself and sent a brigade under the leadership of Colonel of Justice Oleg Pipchenkov. To begin with, August 22, 2007 took Kumarin, and then went to the crest for anyone to reach. It was not much like an investigation. In the Investigative Committee on Moika collected meetings involved in the raiders, Badri there was holding a speech as presiding, and then indicated which ones and to whom to testify. Sometimes the investigators of the brigade were secondary. No law, but solid justice from the point of view of those who were left without factories, shops and bases.

In this place, he was stuck with a procedural nickname. So, everyone knew him as Nos, and journalists were nicknamed "professional witness". And not in vain! One should remember how Kumarin organized the liquidation of billionaire Sergey Vasilyev in the spring of 2007 - please: Badri remembers that he was sitting at a table in a restaurant and heard the conversation about automatic machines. And such revelations - about twenty pieces.

For a while he was under state protection. When Badri Anzorovich drove up to a business meeting in a restaurant on Karavannoe, there was a traffic jam on the road. For his "Rolls-Royce" was always followed by a minibus full of special forces of the FSB. Employees Liteiny, 4, resented that this is a shame of some, but guarded and saved.

(A month ago, in August 2018, when I again gossiped with him in the Francesco restaurant on Suvorovsky Prospekt, he cynically reported: "I told them what they wanted to hear from me." These are the rules. have chosen this business. ")

By 2010, the dust from arrests and ships over raiders of all stripes had settled. Young journalists came to the editorial office, who no longer understand the meaning of those essences. About Badri learned to forget. And only he sometimes gave occasions.

Look, there was an exhibition of his paintings on Nevsky Prospekt. Before that, he was hiding from the next hassle in his home in a tiny Belize state between Mexico and Honduras. By the way, I once asked: "Write a portrait of Kumarin or Pipchenkov and give it to me." He: "Will you buy?" That's what a person is.

Another outbreak occurred when he returned from forced exile from Tbilisi and heavily participated in the case of the now convicted chief security officer of the MK Maksimenko. What attached him another episode.

Badri always needs power. Some services want to isolate him, other special services help get out of the situation. Because his testimony are waiting, he's already cutting his teeth. Common sense dictates that you can not have any business with it, but in practice people, themes, money, ranks around it. This fantasy does not lend itself to life experience. Magically attracted to myself.

But what Badri without surprises. On the eve, or more precisely - on September 3 of this year, the lawyer of the internationally wanted criminal for the organization of the criminal community, Mikhail Sliozberg, filed with the Investigative Committee of St. Petersburg, where the case has been filed since 2007, a complaint. Badri's survey is attached to it. There he describes in detail how he slandered Sliozberg ten years ago. Nothing personal, especially the limitation period for knowingly false interrogation have passed. Now the investigation does not understand how to react to it. By the rules, it would be necessary to change the accusation of Sliozberg, but do not want to.

Badri had been bored with his movements for a while. In the Vsevolozhsky district bought ten hectares of land, dug out the lake, started chickens, sheep, heels of heels. Businessmen of all possible persuasion continued to drive up to him. He - as an expert in the highest sense of the word - advised. Not for free. In conversations he continued to be as witty, pleasant in all respects.

Despite the state protection in the case of Maksimenko, one more often drove his Mercedes 500. I neatly formulated once that he had done enough harm.

"Are you not afraid of anything?"

"No one will dare." I lean against those who are stronger now. And why should I do otherwise? - A little naive, as showed Monday, he answered.

Shengelia was very self-assured in his luck, knowing better than anyone, that from well-wishers he does not have one.

A week ago he was removed from the state protection. Therefore, the operatives of the Center "E", where there is a specialized department, and rushed to the scene today. A couple of weeks ago, he promised me something interesting. Specifically: within a month will participate in a very steep case - to give a very large bribe to a very large person from RZD. It is clear that after the transfer on his shoulders the operatives will come and a new story will begin. And in words he said that he would incur money for some big real estate. I had to be the first and I was waiting for the moment. Not happened. Yes, I congratulate that top manager.