Zhukovsky Airport plans to receive 1.2 million people in 2018

This is close to the level that allows it to work without interruption.
In January-August 2018, Zhukovsky's passenger traffic amounted to 740,000 people, which allowed the airport to become one of the 30 largest airports in Russia, Vedomosti was informed by its representative, the general director of Ramport Aero (owned and operated by Zhukovsky), Thomas Vaishvila : "In spite of the traditional decrease in demand for transport for the winter period, we plan to receive about 460 000 people for the remaining four months and serve 1.2 million passengers by the end of the year." The winter schedule will reduce the number of flights to resorts in southern Russia, but new destinations and carriers will appear: in November, "Ural Airlines" will begin flights to Alma-Ata, in September Tajik Somon Air will fly to Dushanbe and Kulyab, Vaishvila continues.

"Zhukovsky" was opened on May 30, 2016, the first flight was performed by the Belarusian "Belavia" from Minsk on September 12. In 2016, the airport served 53 000 passengers, in 2017 - 426 000. Passenger terminal "Zhukovsky" is able to receive 4 million people a year. The chairman of the board of directors of the Lithuanian Avia Solutions Group (one of the shareholders of Ramport aero) Gediminas Zhemyalis told Vedomosti that the airport would be able to work with traffic of 1.3-1.5 million passengers, the airport planned to leave this traffic in 2017 .

"At the moment, we are entering the volumes and growth rate that were originally planned. A number of reasons, the main one - the confrontation with the aviation authorities of some states, did not allow air carriers to open flights from Zhukovsky, so last year we did not fully realize what was planned. But now the crisis has been overcome, and we are starting to make up for lost time, "Vaishvila explains.

"Zhukovsky" was conceived as the fourth Moscow airport, but in 2016 the government gave it the status of a regional one, which allows it to receive international appointments in those areas where Moscow no longer has quotas. Some countries (Tajikistan, Israel, Kazakhstan) did not want to increase the capacity, in fact, between Moscow and their cities and for a long time did not recognize the regional status of "Zhukovsky".

Vaishvila said that maintaining the current figures for passenger traffic (130,000-140,000 people per month) will allow Zhukovsky to break even in the near future. He does not name the projected financial results of the year.

Eight airlines fly to Zhukovsky, two of them Russian, it says on its website. The largest carrier of the airport - "Ural Airlines" for eight months provided him 372 400 passengers (50%), continues Vaishvila, they fly in 10 Russian and international destinations. In second place, Belavia, it transported to Minsk and from it 139,000 passengers (18%), the third - the Russian Pegas Fly (127,600, 17%), the latter flies in agreement with Chinese tour operators in seven Chinese cities.

In August, the deputy director of the tour operator Pegas Touristik (affiliated with Pegas Fly) Imran Nazarov said that the airline will postpone the execution of the Chinese program to Sheremetyevo from the winter schedule (from the end of October), where it performs its remaining flights. "We look forward to continued cooperation. The airline has already sent an application for flights under the Chinese program from Zhukovsky and in the winter schedule of 2018-2019. We are talking about making 12 flights weekly, "Vaishvila said. Representative Pegas Fly declined to comment.

"Zhukovsky has good potential, we will continue to expand the route network from this air hub. In particular, in the spring we will start flights to several cities of Uzbekistan, "said Kirill Skuratov, deputy director of Ural Airlines.

"The airport successfully confirmed compliance with the safety standards established for flights to the UK and Germany. I think that the opening of flights to these countries is a matter of the near future, "Vaishvila said.

"1.2 million passengers for the second year of work - this would be a fantastic result. This growth is much faster than rational forecasts, "- says Infomost CEO Boris Rybak. The importance of Zhukovsky is that he shows that in the Moscow air hub it is possible to give the level of fees significantly lower than that of the three Moscow airports, he continues. If Zhukovsky drops rates and agrees to work on a "fine" margin, like airlines (the best big carriers have a profitability of 1.5-5%, while Moscow airports - up to 30%), then it will easily grow to 10 in a few years million passengers, Rybak assured.