The Russian Post will be demonopolized

Very soon almost everyone will be able to do postal business and open their small office or a kiosk.
Origin source
The most profitable business can be done primarily in the capital cities. The initiative to guarantee the access of competitors to the infrastructure of the Russian Post  was initiated by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). This will improve the quality of services, but is unlikely to accelerate the transfer of letters and parcels.

Almost all over the world universal postal services are a natural monopoly - is officially recognized that creating an alternative network boxes, offices, units and other infrastructure, ensuring the shipment of letters on a single tariff to all corners of the country (not even as big as Russia), it is inappropriate. Moreover, the only national operator has the right to take a letter and a number of other items in many states.

In our country, in addition to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" postal services have around 300 companies, but in practice they can not create real competition to monopoly. Most often it is a small courier service engaged in the delivery of mail within large cities. Foreign players primarily orientedAna international administration and postage ordinary letter from the Northern Capital to Moscow at the same DHL will be at least 1.7 thousand rubles.

Sweet zone

Developed by the FAS rule of non-discriminatory access to infrastructure, provide postal services, which received a license that any company or entrepreneur may, for example, to provide services for the reception and processing of letters, packages, parcels and other items. Sorted and packed party at "wholesale prices" are transferred to the nodes of FSUE "Mail of Russia" for further transportation and delivery. Such a scheme works, for example, in Italy surrender letter can be in most stores Tabacchi is, and rural shops and tavernas even take the delivery of mail in the remote corners of the peninsula.

Press service of FSUE "Russian Post" deviated from the official comments submitted to the FAS project. At the same time a source in the company's management explained that the main obstacle to the realization of the idea of ​​non-discriminatory access tariffs are in force, which,approval by the postal company, on average, 30 percent below cost. In addition, they are calculated based on the average costs in the whole country (including, for example, the delivery of a letter from Moscow to remote Chukchi village). "In large cities, we lose alternative operators tenders for delivery of correspondence (for the traffic police and other government agencies). FSUE have not even a monopolist in Ivanovo! But in the area, and others not so commercially attractive areas of non-state actors do not want to go. Indeed, in the metropolitan real cost of delivering the same messages is lower than set uniform postal rates, "- he said on condition of anonymity, employee of FSUE" Russian Post ".

The Antimonopoly Service believed that access to the infrastructure will be able to obtain not only the alternative operators, but also to large customers. "The demand will be in companies engaged in distance selling, direct mail and other activities, - says head of traffic control management and communication of FAS Dmitry Rutenberg. - Operators will work at free rates, but offerother services of higher quality. So, to say that competitors will disassemble all the "sweet" and SOE will work on unprofitable lines, do not have to. "

free market

Working in St. Petersburg commercial operators supporting the initiative of the FAS. After all, the northern capital market remains highly profitable. For example, the publishing house "Extra-Balt" won the competition monopoly on printing and delivery to citizens 11.6 million receipts "Petroelektrosbyta". Each of them will cost 2.5 rubles - more than four times below the public tariff for sending a simple postcard (to which one must add another print job, etc.). "At this stage it is obvious that such a monopoly, as" Russian Post ", hampers the development of the industry. Now is the time of high speed and high requirements for courier services, - believes director of the publishing house "Extra-Balt" Catherine Ivlev. - Mail services clients, for which no principled delivery times to minutes. Initiative FSpeaker, clearly, the situation will improve, allowing commercial market players to use the postal infrastructure, stimulating the development of competition in the industry, which ultimately will benefit the end users, "- she is convinced.

The proposed scheme is non-discriminatory access may be interested in a wide variety of business sectors. For example, to simplify the work of advertising agencies, business centers will be able to provide additional services to tenants, and chain stores - receive mail from customers. According to the managing Northwest branch "MTS Bank» Dmitry Grigorovich, the project will interest non-discriminatory access of registered senders large volume of correspondence in the state do not have separately engaged in this employee. "The whole idea is interesting, although it depends on the technical, organizational and price conditions", - says Anatoly Daylidenok, director of the printing house Golden Gate.

Skeptical of the FAS project vice president for Commerce company "Euroset" Victor Lukanin. "With this project primarily & ndash; download at least in some way, "Mail of Russia" or meet the market demand? We, as the federal retailer, it is not interesting, because we have our own logistics service, which lack the resources to provide their own needs and services of external partners. "
"In our business centers now provides a service for sending mail clients, - said the director of facility management department of NAI Becar in St. Petersburg Natalia Skalandis. - On our employee tenants draw up a power of attorney, by which it can collect and send their letters. In my opinion, innovation is not interested in managing companies in the business centers as well as a possible additional income for the registration of correspondence is unlikely to compensate for the difficulties encountered when working with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post".

Such difficulties could, according to experts, to destroy the whole, the whole economically viable project. For example, the monopoly is delegated the right to restrict the provision of services in the event of an overload whether another node, de facto refused to take the viola had broughternativnym batch of letters by the operator. In some cases, the state enterprise will be able to suspend access to infrastructure, and sometimes even to cancel the contract. In addition, the basic "plugging" in mail delivery today, there is at the sorting sites and delivery services correspond to the final destination, and the proposed scheme of introducing competition is not only to relieve their burden, and perhaps it will only increase.