Financial hole in Rosinterbank reached 91 billion rubles

The negative equity of Rosinterbank, which lost its license on September 19, amounts to 90.9 billion rubles. The bank balance lacks the loan portfolio and almost all investments in securities.
Rosinterbank became the second largest hole among credit institutions without a license. The hole in the collapsed Rosinterbanke has grown more than doubled - its negative capital of almost 91 billion rubles, follows from the liquidation balance sheet, published by the Central Bank on Friday.. Earlier, a representative of the regulator said that the difference between the value of assets and liabilities of the bank is 39.9 billion rubles. As of 6 September (date of the last daily balance) capital at Rosinterbanka was positive - 5.5 billion rubles.

Thus, Rosinterbank became the second largest hole among credit institutions without a license. The first place is still a hole behind Vneshprombank 215.9 billion rubles. Rosinterbanka assets decreased by 96.4 billion rubles. From the published balance of control it implies that the bank's loan portfolio is completely absent: September 6, it was equal to 48.7 billion rubles, and at the time of withdrawal of the license - to zero.. Investments in securities held to maturity (23.4 billion rubles.), Also from the balance sheet completely disappeared. With 11.1 billion rubles. to 1.8 billion rubles. reduced investments in securities available for sale. Missingother assets - by almost 9.9 billion rubles.

Central Bank revoked the license of Rosinterbanka 19 September. The bank did not provide electronic databases and documents of title to assets of the credit institution, the regulator reported. Bank automated banking system is not functioning, the servers are incapacitated. Legal affairs and other documents confiscated or destroyed, the regulator explained.

Excess debt of the bank over its assets by more than 80 billion rubles is one of the largest in the Russian banking system. Rosinterbank at the time of withdrawal of the license he held 68 th place in terms of assets in Russia. On September 15, the interim administration was introduced in the bank, the same day the credit institution announced the termination of customer service.

Rosinterbank was a member of the deposit insurance system. The record for paying customers kompenasatsii Russian bank is owned by "INTERKOMMERTS". Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) has estimated the total payments to depositors of the bank, who lost the license at the beginning of 2016, to 64.3 billion rubles.