Accounts of ex-head of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture arrested in Switzerland

The scandal around the former head of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia Elena Skrynnik is going on. The Swiss prosecutor's office confirmed the information about the arrest of Skrynnik's accounts as part of a criminal investigation on money laundering, as today informed the press service of the Federal Public Prosecutor of Switzerland.
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The federal prosecutor's office in Switzerland confirmed the information that the ex-minister became supernumerary criminal case. Skrynnik and several other Russian officials and businessmen come to the attention of investigators in 2013. They are suspected of money laundering. Earlier Skrynnik property in Switzerland was partially confiscated.
Swiss prosecutors have appealed to the Russian colleagues for assistance and materials for investigation. At the same time, according to the Swiss supervisory agency, today by Russian law enforcement response has not been received.

Last year, the media reported that the Swiss law enforcement officers seized the accounts Skrynnik. The amount is on them, according to the publication, was about $ 60 million. However, this information almost immediately refuted the then head of the AP Sergei Ivanov, who noted that the Swiss prosecutor's office has no claims to the former Russian minister.

The media also was reported that in a criminal case brought by the Swiss prosecutor's office, along with the Elena Skrynnik featured her close relatives.

Recall Skrynnik held a post of the head of the Ministry of Agriculture in the period from 2009 to 2012. One reason for her resignation was the scandal surrounding the company "Rosagroleasing", in which the activities in April 2012, cases of corruption have been identified. Among the defendants in the case appeared Oleg Don, who served in the Ministry of Agriculture of the post of head of the Department of administrative work.

It is worth noting that Skrynnik before joining the Ministry of Agriculture directed the state company "Rosagroleasing", established in 2000. The company was created to farmers could buy the necessary equipment to them on preferential terms.

In the case of "Rosagroleasing" featured a number of officials and businessmen, which Russian law enforcement officers accused of involvement in the theft of 1.125 billion. Rubles, which belonged to the company. As reported, the representationTeli "Rosagroleasing" management made out fictitious supply of equipment. Part of the budget allocated for this purpose, then settled on the accounts of companies "Bryce Becker" and "AgroEvroSoyuz". Among the founders of the first was very Skrynnik, and to the leadership of the latter was involved in her brother. As law enforcement officers have found in 5 years (2007 to 2012). Skrynnik on bank accounts in Switzerland received about $ 140 million. The origin of these funds raises serious suspicions, investigators noted.

At present, the ex-Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation living on the Cote d'Azur in France. She directs her based on this year's International Independent Institute of Agrarian Policy. While Skrynnik held as a witness in the case "Rosagroleasing" and strongly denied any involvement in the fraudulent schemes. In addition, it denies the information about the arrest of their accounts in the EU banks.