The police came for "Razgulay"

The former administration of the agricultural holding is arrested for fraud.
In Moscow, arrested the founder of the largest Russian agro holding "Razguliay" 48-year-old Igor Potapenko. He and two former top managers of the holding suspected that a few years ago kidnapped the company more than 20 billion rubles. The guilt of the alleged act, none of the detainees did not recognize.

The criminal case, which are defendants in the ex-president "Razgulyai", as well as former CEO Dmitry Tyuhtenko and CFO Andrey Polyakov, was opened Main Investigation Department of Research Affairs of Russia in Moscow on the hour. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a large scale) at the end of December last year. The reason for this was the test, conducted at the request of employees GUEBiPK new owners of agricultural holdings.

As part of the restructuring of debt in January 2013 Vnesheconombank (VEB) has acquired a 16.8% stake in "Razgulyai", bringing the stake in the group to 19.97%. Negotiations are underway to increase the share of the bank in the group to 49.9%. EBV is the largest creditor "Razgulyai" whose duty, according to some reports, at the end of last year is estimated at 25 billion rubles.

During verifieski has been found that in 2007-2010, the top managers of the company have entered into several contracts with fictitious companies for the acquisition of their lands for the holding of the agricultural enterprises. Now owned by the Company are 460 thousand. Hectares in 16 regions of the country.

During subsequent search operations revealed that the amount of transactions for the purchase of land amounted to a total of more than 20 billion rubles. Subsequently, the money was withdrawn in the accounts of companies, one-day and assigned, according to law enforcement, gentlemen Potapenko, Tyuhtenko and Polyakov. "In fact, genuine clearance deals directly committed by the members of the holding companies at the expense of working capital", - say the police.

In 2011, Igor Potapenko sold part of its stake in "Razguliay" group, but it was a minority shareholder and a member of the board of directors. In the same year he became chairman of the board of directors of another agricultural holding - LLC "Agrocom". It passed, and many members of his team, including Dmitry Tyuhtenko and AHDPE Polyakov.

All their employees GUEBiPK detained on Wednesday in Moscow at the address of residence. After the interrogation, during which, according to "Kommersant", none of the defendants in the guilt of the alleged act had not acknowledged masters Tyuhtenko Polyakova and released on bail. But against Igor Potapenko investigator petitioned for the arrest in Moscow's Tverskoy Court. April 25 founder "Razgulyai" was taken into custody for two months. It is worth noting that during the trial the prosecutor did not support the request of the investigation, stating that it did not collect enough evidence of guilt Igor Potapenko. His lawyer Natalia Dolgov told "Kommersant" that during the interrogation, the investigator showed her client appearing in contracts, which did not even have the signature of Mr. Potapenko. However, the Court defined it in jail.

In group "Razguliay" "Kommersant" said that investigations are carried out in relation to the former management of the company and do not have any relationship to the current activities of the organization or to its current leadership. "Cash, about whichin a speech in a criminal case, no influence on the current activities of the company, all the group units operate normally. From our side we are ready to provide all necessary assistance in the investigation and waiting for the official notification of the law-enforcement bodies ", - said the head of the department for relations with civil society organizations and the media holding" Razguliay "Dmitry Lgovskiy.

However, after the announcement of the arrest of former executives of the holding value of one share in the "Moscow stock exchange", as of 18:00 Monday, it was 5.7 rubles., Showing a fall of 6%. Throughout the day, the total drop in the value of shares - 27%. The capitalization of the entire company by the end of the day amounted to 1.09 billion rubles.

Igor Potapenko and holding "Razguliay"


Igor Potapenko born September 12, 1966 in the village of Krut'ko (Cherkasy region, Ukraine). In 1987 he graduated from the Kiev Higher Military Command School, then - MGIMO. Until 1992, he served in the armed forces, was a translator-referent in Mongolia, he retired with the rank of Major. Latestdismissal established and headed the trading company "UkrRos", subsequently - the agricultural holding "Razguliay-UkrRos" (since 2005 - a group of companies "Razguliay"). In 2010, the company sold 21.4% Fund Avangard Asset Management for 1.5 billion rubles., While maintaining 17.7% stake and a board seat. In the same year, together with the former managers' Razgulyai "established company" AGROCOM "(Moscow).

JSC "Group" Razguliay "" - one of the largest Russian agro-holdings. It combines three sectoral areas - agricultural, grain and sugar, as well as the division on interaction with retail networks. Widely known "Razguliay" acquired in 1998, when the holding company went to work the former Minister of Agriculture Viktor Khlystun. Currently, the group comprises 11 sugar factories and plants, milk factory, 20 elevators and bakeries, 16 agricultural companies. Holding controls about 12% of Russian market of sugar. The agricultural area - more than 400 thousand hectares of land, including 300 hectares in the processing... Holding operates in 16 regions of Russia, the state - about 11 thousand people.. withLasne report for the fourth quarter of 2013, 19.97% of shares owned VEB, and the rest are distributed among several foreign companies, mainly Cyprus. Net profit for 2013 amounted to 13.39 million rubles. (Almost nine times less than the year before). Revenues decreased by 4.9% - up to 875.7 million rubles.