Vasily Pozdyshev


The Central Bank is collecting money for Otkritie


Personal money of the managers will be spent to save the bank.

Bank of Russia rebuked Binbank


In the opinion of Vasily Pozdyshev, the deputy head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the bank's administration simply "misjudged the risks".

The Taras Bulba principle: how the government brought up and killed a private bank


Over the last nine years, the Otkritie Group with the governmental help has become the largest player in the banking market.

3.2 trillion rubles have been spent over three years to save Russian banks


The Russian banking system is gradually devolving into a "black hole" that devours the state money at a rate of trillion rubles a year without any signs of stabilization. 

Russian Central Bank will present $109 billion to the US


It sounds like an ultimatum: if the Bank of Russia does not withdraw $109 billion invested in US debt obligations and does not transfer them to securities in Europe and China, the Federation Council will have to go back to the question of its nationalization.

Supervisory tower


Does the Central Bank of Russia pass sentences for banks in exchange for money?

The bankruptcy of Jugra Bank is the most expensive in the history of Russia's banking system


The bank's depositors are to be paid 170 billion rubles.

The collapse of Yugra: license revokation or turnaround


The DIA introduced a temporary administration in the bank.