Kostin Andrey


Andrei Kostin achieved the Streisand effect


The attempt of the head of VTB to block Internet resources with information about his young mistress,  Nailya Askerzade, for whom an elderly state banker does not spare money, led to the Streisand effect. The attempt of censorship led to the fact that almost all users of Runet learned about the connection of Kostin and Askerzade.

Andrei Kostin presses the Russian Internet


VTB has acquired a controlling stake in Medialogia.

Gref loves Turkey, Costin - Cyprus


Russian banks are holding abroad 182 billion dollars in the form of claims to foreign residents, RBC calculated on the basis of data from the Central Bank. Despite the crackdown in Cyprus, which affected Russian capital, a fifth of this money is there.

Andrei Kostin distributed loans to Cypriots


VTB corrected reporting on the distribution of debts among borrowers from different countries. The debt assigned to the Central African Republic has been transferred to Cyprus. The debt of its residents to VTB exceeded 1 trillion rubles.

Andrey Kostin was kicked in Ukraine


The National Bank of Ukraine introduced a temporary administration in the Ukrainian subsidiary of VTB.

Dmitry Medvedev promised to boycott the Davos forum


Officials and businessmen will ignore the forum if the organizers refuse to invite Deripaska, Vekselberg and Kostin.

Andrei Kostin financed the privatization of a stake in Rosneft by Igor Sechin


The “breakthrough” of Putin’s business into the open world turned out to be an interlude, as a result of which the state-owned VTB Bank acquired shares of the toxic Sechin Rosneft.

Deripaska, Vekselberg and Kostin will not be able to participate in the Davos forum


According to FT, according to FT, they demand not to invite fallen under sanctions of the Russians.

VTB paid for the troubled bank "Vozrozdeniye" 9.7 billion rubles


Experts have calculated how much the state bank cost 85% of the stake in Vozrozhdenie, bought from the burnt out bankster Dmitry Ananyev.

Andrei Kostin will eat Ziyavudin Magomedov’s grain


The redistribution of the business empire of the sidelists of the Magomedov brothers continues. VTB intends to crush the United Grain Company (OZK). The Summa group has already allowed informational drain.

German Gref and Andrei Kostin will fly on one wing


Sberbank and VTB will create an airline for regional transportation.

VTB will eat Sarovbusinessbank


Andrei Kostin’s Bank proceeded to takeover of regional Russian banks.

Nailya Askerzade received a gift from Andrei Kostin


Glamor TV presenter, who is the mistress of the state banker number 2 in the Russian Federation, became the owner of the award "TEFI".

The government will save Russia from dollars


After one or two weeks, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will approve the plan of the head of VTB Andrei Kostin to de-dollarize the Russian economy.

From the Andrei Kostin leaves the chair of the head of VTB


In the financial institutions, a battle began between the alliance of Igor Sechin and Andrei Kostin with German Gref and Elvira Nabiullina. Kostin already made the first move and could become the first victim in this war.

State Banker Andrei Kostin will flood "Dynamo" with money


VTB concluded an advertising contract with its daughter company UK "Dynamo" for 4 years at 2.4 billion rubles. For the Russian market this is a record amount. "Daughter" VTB is a developer of new sports facilities worth $ 1.5 billion.

Andrey Kostin will take a ride on the London roller coaster


VTB does not manage to proceed with the purchase of Vozrozhdenie Bank. The High Court of London again arrested the bank's shares on the suit of the creditors of its owners, the Ananiev brothers.

Andrey Kostin will buy a troubled bank Vozrozhdeniye


VTB reached an agreement in principle with Bonum Capital on the key terms of the acquisition of Bank Vozrozhdenie.

Oleg Deripaska will lose control over En+ Group


According to FT, the businessman is ready to reduce the stake in the group to 45% in favor of VTB.

VTB replaced Ziyavudin Magomedov in the list of shareholders of Novorossiysk combine of bread products


The State Bank received 22.25% of the company's shares, which were pledged under the loan.

London gave VTB good to buy the Bank Vozrozhdeniye


The assets of the Ananiev brothers in the UK are taken out of custody.

VTB Bank requires AnAn Group to pay extra for the pledge


Procrediting a repo transaction during the IPO En + Group of Oleg Deripaska, VTB Bank requires the Singaporean company AnAn Group $ 170.4 million. Most likely, the bank will receive only a hole from a bagel: the Singapore company belongs to the Chinese CEFC, which did not override the stake in Rosneft and was bankrupt.

"Magnet" sent a deal to buy the SIA Group for revision


The company's board of directors softly objected to the acquisition of doubtful assets from Sergei Lavrov's brother-in-law Alexander Vinokurov, who became a shareholder of the retailer this year.

State Bank VTB protects its loan from the Bank of Russia


Andrei Kostin's bank was dissatisfied with the transfer of Amaznoye Arkhangelskgeoldobycha to the repayment of debts "The Holding's opening" in 335 billion rubles. In this case, the fate of VTB's loan of 1.45 billion dollars "is sagging" to the beneficiary of the holding Vadim Belyaev. With this money he bought the company from LUKoil.

The High Court of London has forbidden VTB to buy the bank "Revival"


The Russian deal broke down due to the arrest of the share of the Ananiev brothers in Bank Vozrozhdenie.

Andrei Kostin asked Vladimir Putin to refuse Russia in dollars and offshore


The head of VTB Bank seriously suggests to make the ruble a currency for international settlements. Most likely, it is a banal ban on foreign currencies for Russians.

VTB leaves Serbia because of sanctions


VTB has decided to sell its subsidiary bank in Serbia VTB Banka ad Beograd. Apparently, to sell for serious money going through bad financial organization, it will not be possible.

VTB and Alibaba are ready to cooperate


The deal will combine the competencies of the participants.