Igor Rotenberg will remain under sanctions

The EU Court of Justice rejected the Russian oligarch's complaint against being included in the sanctions list.
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The EU Court in Luxembourg rejected the claim of Russian businessman Igor Rotenberg (Forbes estimates his fortune at $1.5 billion), who challenged the legality of imposing sanctions against him and demanded their lifting, follows from the court's data.

The lawsuit was filed on November 25, 2022. In it, among the arguments, the billionaire cited a “clear error in assessment” of the reasons for including him on the sanctions list, a violation of the principles of evidence, the criteria for inclusion in the list, as well as his rights to “effective judicial protection.”

Rotenberg came under EU sanctions in September 2022. He is also under sanctions from the US and UK.

Igor Rotenberg is the eldest son of Arkady Rotenberg (EU and US sanctions have also been imposed against him). In December 2023, Rotenberg sold his stake in RT-Invest Transport Systems (RTITS), the operator of the Platon system for collecting tolls from heavy vehicles. Prior to this, Rotenberg owned 78.8% in the Gazprom Burenie company. He owns a share in the Aviapark shopping center in Moscow.