Gref German


German Gref and Andrei Kostin will fly on one wing


Sberbank and VTB will create an airline for regional transportation.

Sberbank is tired of selling its stake in Basel Aero


For one and a half year, there were no people willing to buy a stake in Basel Aero.

Dollars ran from Sberbank


In August-September, private investors withdrew $ 2 billion from Sberbank.

From the Andrei Kostin leaves the chair of the head of VTB


In the financial institutions, a battle began between the alliance of Igor Sechin and Andrei Kostin with German Gref and Elvira Nabiullina. Kostin already made the first move and could become the first victim in this war.

Sberbank is assigned to New Stream


The Group's lender strengthened control over the Antipinsky refinery.

Sberbank began to disembowel the legacy of the brothers Magomedov


Sberbank filed suits against the Yakutia fuel and energy company, which is part of the "Sum" group, by 4.4 billion rubles.

A good report of Sberbank scared investors


Sberbank earned 427 billion dollars in the first half of the year, and its shares have updated the annual minimum.

German Gref sounded the alarm about the "tax maneuver" in the oil industry


According to the head of Sberbank, oil companies may not give 800 billion rubles in loans to Russian banks that were taken to modernize the refinery. Sberbank has already issued 455 billion rubles for these purposes.

Sberbank and VTB will transfer assets to a defense bank


Vladimir Putin instructed to create a scheme for transferring defense credits to Promsvyazbank (PSB). Loan repayment will occur at a discount and will be accompanied by a transfer of capital. At the same time, the PSB will not be the only authorized bank for the state defense order.

A gang of bankers from Sberbank stole money from VIP customers


Under the wing of Herman Gref, a whole OPG has grown. Nine people are detained for attempting to steal money from the account and cash out through savings certificates.

German Gref was asked to save "Melkombinat"


The subsidiary structure of Sberbank - NRC Aktiv, deliberately bankrupted the Tver enterprise.

The Ministry of Finance approved the privatization of state companies to implement the may decree of Putin


The state can sell even a part of the shares of Sberbank.

German Gref proposes to privatize Sberbank


Being a state Sberbank can not uncontrollably absorb other Russian banks, and the status of the state prevents it from doing business abroad, taking into account international sanctions against the Russian Federation.

German Gref spoke about the prospects for the development of Sberbank's business


President of Sberbank spoke about the prospects for the development of the bank's business in the context of international sanctions and stagnation of the Russian economy.

Former Sberbank CIB analyst Alexander Fack responded to German Gref


According to Alexander Fack, a report on how Gazprom contractors are cashing in on corporations was the result of painstaking work. And German Gref himself hardly read it, because the report has not yet been translated into Russian.

Chief analyst of Sberbank CIB Alexander Kudrin resigned because of Gazprom,


The management of the bank refused to protect its specialists. German Gref called their report on Gazprom's inefficiency "a gross violation of ethical standards." Earlier, the bank had already apologized to Rosneft for its unbelievable Rosneft report: We Needed Talk About Igor in October 2017.

Sberbank barely carried off his legs from Turkey


Sberbank sold Denizbank for $ 300 million cheaper than it bought in 2012.

German Gref drove the Russians into mortgage slavery


Mortgage debts of Russian citizens to Sberbank in March 2018 exceeded 3 trillion rubles, while in the past year they grew by 500 billion rubles. In total in Russia in 2017, mortgages were issued for 2 trillion rubles.

Sberbank lost 1.2 billion euros in Croatia


The High Court of London banned the bank of Herman Gref to demand from the ruined Agrokor money issued without any pledge in debt.

German Gref will absorb the Russian financial system


The better the business of Sberbank, the worse for the Russian financial and banking system.

The American court refused to try Herman Gref for the raider on the "Pavlovskgranit"


The court considered that the case of accusations of raiding in Russia is not subject to judicial proceedings in the United States.

Transneft and Sberbank finally reconciled


The court stopped production of a high-profile dispute by 66.5 billion rubles.

Prokhorov and Gref wrote Makron a letter in defense of Kerimov


Thirteen Russian knights of the Order of the Legion of Honor spoke in support of Senator Suleiman Kerimov, who in France is accused of tax evasion and money laundering.

Transneft and Sberbank conclude an urgent deal


A loud argument about currency options can be settled in three weeks.

Transneft and Sberbank decided to conclude an amicable agreement


The court postponed the consideration of the claim for 67 billion rubles to settle the dispute.

Andrei Kostin knocked out German Gref from the Moscow subway


VTB will replace Sberbank's ATMs in the Moscow Metro with its own.

London Court sided with Croatia in its dispute with Sberbank


Now, it will be more difficult for German Gref to collect 1.3 billion euros from the largest Croatian company Agrokor.

The largest company in Croatia refused to return to Sberbank 1 billion euros


The largest company in Croatia, the food retailer Agrokor, decided not to recognize the claims of its largest creditor, Sberbank, as it sued the company outside of Croatia.