German Gref will absorb the Russian financial system

The better the business of Sberbank, the worse for the Russian financial and banking system.
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Recently published accounts of Sberbank can lead to interesting thoughts. On the one hand, German Gref's affairs are going well, but on the other hand, this can not be said about the financial sector of the country as a whole. Something here is clearly not the same. And that's it. It is generally believed that the current "head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabuillina" began the mass "sweep" of the banking sector, which killed 350 organizations. And experts continue to convince us that this regulator completely shook the country's financial system and deservedly earned the title of "assassin" and so on. But it seems that everything is not so simple here. It is possible that Nabiullina and her minions are nothing more than "infantry", attacking banks in the interests of more powerful figures. In particular, here comes to mind the surname of German Gref, who headed Sber in October 2007.

The arguments in favor of this are as follows.

First, the mentioned reporting. According to it, the largest credit institution of the Russian Federation showed not only a very enviable profit - almost 749 billion rubles, but also an excellent dynamics of its growth - by more than a third. It is interesting that the records are combined with real personnel cleansing: for 2017 Gref sacked 8.8 thousand people, explaining this is some kind of "strategy." That is, on the one hand, the bank draws attractive figures, on the other - infinitely optimizes the staff like a dynamically developing structure. What's the matter?

Secondly, the old kind history of the disappearance of billions in Sberbank, many episodes of which have a characteristic "flavor" of corruption. Since this story has not been covered only by the lazy during the last decade, it is possible to recall only some milestones. February 2009: Gref announces a credit amnesty, and later gives bad loans to collectors, that is, he does everything to stir up the water with the return of funds to the state bank. September 2010: Sber gives "Rusal" a virtually non-refundable loan of $ 4.6 billion. After that, the conversations about the care of the convicted mobster are activated. Unfortunately for the Russian treasury, they were still talking.

And the numerous cases of open theft of money by the employees of Sberbank? The incident in Togliatti with the top manager Ilya Sadykov, in Lipetsk - with Kirill Tormyshov, exposure in Tyumen, where they looted the credit billion. And so on and so forth. Not surprisingly, soon the market began to seriously discuss the "hole in the budget" of Sberbank. It is rumored that several years ago it was even planned to sell the institution due to significant financial problems. However, it seems that Gref could still find a more interesting way out of the predicament. And this - in the third.

He ... seems to have initiated a "sweep" of the banking sector and, quite probably, is still conducting it. At least in the comments the head of Sberbank is not shy. So, in November 2015, he argued that the "mopping-up" "will continue for several more years." As you can see, the one who can be called the main beneficiary of the actual destruction of Promsvyazbank, Tatfondbank, Vneshprombank and other "Yugra" was not mistaken in its expectations. Or is it correct to say that everything was planned for them?


Not so long ago, Gref almost did not say a word, declaring:

"It does not seem to me that the pace of [license revocation] is set today by the Central Bank." "The pace is set by the banks," he added. Although it could be more honest and already call, at last, that one particular organization that is responsible for the notorious "pace." And this would not be the department of Nabiullina.