Chistyukhin Vladimir


Former owner of Rosgosstrakh Danil Khachaturov spoke about the details of the sale of RGS Life


The former owner of Rosgosstrakh, Danil Khachaturov, for the first time disclosed the details of the sale to the company of RGS Life by Evgeny Giner. According to him, the deal was made in order to cover Rosgosstrakh's billions of losses from compulsory motor third party liability insurance.

Eugene Giner brainwashed the Central Bank


The Central Bank of Russia for two years allegedly did not know the real owner of "RGS Life".

Payments to top managers of a loss making Rosgosstrakh in 2017 increased 3.5 times


The Central Bank regrets, but nothing can be done.

Ministry of Internal Affairs demands to check "Rosgosstrakh"


The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MOI) asks the Central Bank to check the activities of Rosgosstrakh. Earlier, Mikhail Zadornov, who headed the board of directors of the insurer, accused his former leadership of theft.