Ministry of Internal Affairs demands to check "Rosgosstrakh"

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MOI) asks the Central Bank to check the activities of Rosgosstrakh. Earlier, Mikhail Zadornov, who headed the board of directors of the insurer, accused his former leadership of theft.
The Central Bank received such a request from law enforcement agencies, the Central Bank deputy chairman Vladimir Chistyukhin said on Thursday. The regulator is now working on this issue.

In the bank Otkrytie, now owned by Rosgosstrakh, for a long time the temporary administration worked, which looked at all the business processes of the insurer, he said: "We must decide for ourselves whether there is a need to discuss with colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs whether there is a need carry out verification or you can simply use all the documents and knowledge that the Central Bank has today "(quoted by RNS).

Now the legislation does not provide for a format for joint inspections, Chistyukhin said. "Verification is only a tool, you need to get some facts. Not the fact that this requires verification. "

In December 2017, Mikhail Zadornov, who headed FC Opening at the beginning of this year and the board of directors of Rosgosstrakh, criticized the work of the former insurer's management in an interview with Kommersant. In his opinion, "Rosgosstrakh" reigned "from top to bottom" theft and with a unique position in the market, he contrived "in the face of owners and management absolutely nothing to do in ten years."

Former co-owner and president of the group "Rosgosstrakh" Danil Khachaturov in an interview with "Vedomosti" responded to the charges of theft. According to him, the natives of this very "team are not maddened", including today head insurance lines in the Central Bank, Sberbank and VTB. "The company did not have any loan money! And to steal from yourself, you can think of a much simpler way than to put 15 years of life and hundreds of billions of rubles in investments to build a company - the market leader in all types of insurance, "Khachaturov said.

Rosgosstrakh ceased to be profitable in 2015, when the company's loss amounted to 5 billion rubles. and since then only increased. For the nine months of 2017 (there was no reporting for the year), the insurer's loss amounted to 35.3 billion rubles, which is 60% higher than the same indicator of the previous year (22 billion rubles). "Rosgosstrakh" in 2018 plans to get out of the losses. To do this, he will close part of the offices and will not restore the share in the MTPL market.