Boginsky Andrey


"Helicopters of Russia" asked the State Duma not to bomb Voronezh


"Helicopters of Russia" cooperate with foreign companies and hope that counter-forces will not have a negative impact on business. According to the head of the corporation Andrei Boginsky, the authorities should "approach reasonably" to this issue.

Corporation "Helicopters of Russia" produces "blind" attack helicopters


Ex-Glavkom VKS Russia Viktor Bondarev said about the detected in Syria, "blindness" pilots Mi-28. According to him, the helicopter's electronics turned out to be a "failure", so the pilot simply "does not see anything".

Russian Helicopters in a dead end


Rostelec's Russian Helicopters is unsuccessfully looking for approaches to the civilian market. Meanwhile, in Rostec itself thefts are widespread and the budgets are cut.