Corporation "Helicopters of Russia" produces "blind" attack helicopters

Ex-Glavkom VKS Russia Viktor Bondarev said about the detected in Syria, "blindness" pilots Mi-28. According to him, the helicopter's electronics turned out to be a "failure", so the pilot simply "does not see anything".
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The military operation in Syria revealed serious shortcomings in the equipment of the Mi-28 attack helicopter, the former commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces (until September 26, 2017), and now the chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Viktor Bondarev.

According to him, the problematic place of the helicopter was electronics, the shortcomings of which from time to time almost "blinded" the crew.

"Electronics is a failure: the pilot does not see anything, hears nothing," said Bondarev (quoted by TASS).

According to the ex-commander-in-chief of the VKS, the night vision goggles used on the Mi-28s got the pilots nickname "death to pilots".

"When it's cloudless, everything is fine, as soon as the smoke is some kind, then the pilot then walks with red eyes for three days," Bondarev said.

RBC sent a request to the Russian Helicopters holding company with a request to respond to the negative assessment of the Mi-28 helicopter.

The manufacturer of Mi-28 helicopters - the Rostov plant Rostvertol - declined to comment on the information about the shortcomings of the machine's electronics.

April 12, 2016 in the Syrian city of Homs, Russia's Mi-28N helicopter crashed, both pilots were killed. The source of Interfax in the defense industry then reported that the cause of the collapse could be the loss of orientation under adverse conditions.

"The flight was carried out over a low-level terrain in conditions of near total darkness. The pilots flew a combat vehicle in night vision goggles. It is possible that on the flight route there could be some obstacle, which the helicopter encountered, "the source said.

Mi-28N Helicopter "Night Hunter" is a modification of the Mi-28 helicopter, a modern attack helicopter designed for round-the-clock search and destruction of tanks, armored and unarmored vehicles, as well as enemy infantry on the battlefield and low-speed air targets.

In August 2017, the director of the holding "Helicopters of Russia" Andrei Boginsky said that a new Mi-28UB (combat training, with dual control) is scheduled to be sent to Syria for testing.