US Treasury Department


Oleg Deripaska will lose control over En+ Group


According to FT, the businessman is ready to reduce the stake in the group to 45% in favor of VTB.

The meeting of Putin and Trump can help lift sanctions from Oleg Deripaska


Withdrawal of sanctions from UC Rusal not only suits the administration of Trump, but it is beneficial to it.

Rusal will change the top managers


The company counts on the fact that Oleg Deripaska will remain the controlling shareholder, and the US sanctions will "dissolve" by themselves.

Putin promised billionaire Mordashov stable government order


The Russian President expressed his confidence that the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline will be successfully built. In turn, the billionaire thanked Gazprom for the volume of orders that the company gives to Severstal.

Two-week's fear: immediately after the annexation of Crimea, Russia withdrew $115 billion from the US


The US Federal Reserve is spying on the funds of foreign central banks in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the interests of Washington.