Two-week's fear: immediately after the annexation of Crimea, Russia withdrew $115 billion from the US

The US Federal Reserve is spying on the funds of foreign central banks in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the interests of Washington.
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The US Federal Reserve System (FRS) provides the US authorities with confidential information on the movement of foreign central bank funds at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which holds $ 3.3 trillion of international reserves. This was reported on June 26 agency Reuters, citing informed sources.

They told the agency that in March 2014 the Fed informed Washington that the Central Bank of Russia withdrew assets from the Federal Reserve Bank for $ 150 billion. This allowed the White House to understand that against the background of relatively soft personal sanctions against Russian businessmen imposed in connection with the annexation of the Crimea to the Russia, Moscow is afraid of freezing assets in the US, although the CBA's account in the Federal Reserve Bank was not included in the sanctions list. The amount of assets withdrawn amounted to 23% of all international reserves of Moscow at that time, which, according to the Central Bank of Russia, was $ 493 billion.

Two weeks later, the Bank of Russia returned most of the funds to the accounts of the Fed. But, according to the sources of the agency, since then, the movement of funds in these accounts is being closely watched to find out what sanctions can force Russia to withdraw reserves. The Central Bank of Russia declined to comment on the agency "details of its activities and interactions with partners."

In May 2017, Russia's international reserves increased by $ 4.72 billion and reached $ 405.72 billion. According to the US Treasury, in April 2017, Russian investments in US Treasury bonds increased by $ 22.4 billion compared to the same period in 2016 and amounted to $ 104.9 billion

Almost 250 foreign central banks and governments keep on the accounts of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York assets worth $ 3.3 trillion. This is almost half of the official international dollar reserves. The Fed assures that this service is safe and guarantees confidentiality. But, according to Reuters, for the past 15 years, US authorities have received at least seven times from the Federal Reserve this "confidential" information about the actions of governments of many states.

During the financial crisis of 2008, the US Treasury received from the Federal Reserve data that the People's Bank of China stopped purchasing short-term debt Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. At the height of the "Arab Spring" in 2010, the US State Department asked the Fed for information about who controls the assets of the central banks of Libya and Yemen - the rebels or the official authorities.