

Transcapital Bank risks to jump


Questionable operations of the shareholder of Transcapitalbank (TEB) and the chairman of its board of directors Olga Gryadova can lead the bank to a crash.

Transcapitalbank did not receive additional money for the reorganization of Investtorgbank


Transcapitalbank did not receive additional money to reorganize the bank and it was extended by a preferential deposit of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for 20 billion rubles.

The largest shareholder of Transcapitalbank will be Tatiana Orlova


Its largest shareholder will be Tatiana Orlova.

Prince Albert II refused to give Russia a runaway banker Vladimir Gudkov


In Russia, the former chairman of the Board of Investtorgbank is accused of stealing 7 billion rubles.

FAS has recognized the guilt of operators in the understatement of prices for SMS for state banks


FAS revealed violations of the "Big Four" mobile operators competition law - the tariff for sending SMS to state-owned banks was set lower than for the rest. Cellular companies must eliminate violations within two weeks.

On the health of Investtorgbank do not save


Loans for its sanation increased 1.5 times.