Sual Partners


Oleg Deripaska tries to desert from Rusal


EN + Group follows the advice of the US Treasury and replaces its representatives on the board of directors of the aluminum company with ordinary employees.

Viktor Vekselberg has developed a plan for state support of his business


To help survive difficult times, the oligarch, who has fallen under US sanctions, will have to pay to the Russian budget and Russian taxpayers.

Fateful assets of Viktor Vekselberg


What does the Russian oligarch own in the US and what will it be for him because of the sanctions.

Toxic "Rusal": Russian billionaires lost more than 12 billion dollars a day


The collapse of the quotes of "Rusal" was the main event of the day, however, sanctions were hit not only by the state of Oleg Deripaska - today many members of the Forbes list have become poor.

Vekselberg and Prokhorov played an aluminum trick on Deripaska


The oligarchs sold a 3% stake in Rusal which could complicate the IPO of Deripaska's En+ in December.

Vekselberg and Prokhorov sold shares of UC Rusal for $315 million


The deal was conducted with a discount of 7.5% from the market price of these securities.

ONEKSIM says goodbye to Rusal


Mikhail Prokhorov may abandon the ranks of the company's shareholders by November.

Viktor Vekselberg and his partners acquired 7% of UC Rusal


Perhaps now they will seek to sell the blocking stake in Norilsk Nickel.

Mikhail Prokhorov hands out aluminum


The businessman sold 7% of Rusal to Viktor Vekselberg.

Onexim has sold 3.32% stake in UC Rusal for $240 million


Discount to the closing price on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange amounted to 9%.

Minority shareholders of Rusal threaten to block the additional issue


Oleg Deripaska's UC Rusal may face a conflict around shares: according to Bloomberg, the company intends to issue new shares and place 20% of shares on the stock exchange in London. But minority shareholders, including Viktor Vekselberg, Mikhail Prokhorov and Glencore, are threatening to block it.

Prokhorov is in no hurry to sell the stake in UC Rusal


The deal with Sual Partners if Viktor Vekselberg and Leonard Blavatnik may never happen. 

Mikhail Prokhorov will sell 12% of UC Rusal for $700 million


The package will be bought by the co-owner of the company, Sual Partners owned by Viktor Vekselberg and Leonard Blavatnik.

Vekselberg was involved in a conflict with Putin's oligarchs


Viktor Vekselberg's move with Rusal crossed the road of Timchenko and Rotenberg.

Rusal puzzled its creditors


The company asked to approve the payment of dividends.