Siemens gas turbine technology


The court refused to return Siemens gas turbines from Crimea


Deputy Energy Minister Andrei Tcherezov noted that the first two Siemens turbines have already been installed at the Sevastopol and Simferopol TPPs and they are carrying out alignment activities.

Siemens complained of fraud


Technopromexport sold the Siemens turbines to its structure in six months after it was ordered.

The general director of "Power Machines" was detained for disclosure of state secrets


Roman Filippov, General Director of Power Machines, was detained in St. Petersburg by officers of the Federal Security Service. The date and circumstances of the detention are not yet specified.

A feigned deal: Forbes found out the details of Siemens's claim for Crimean turbines


The German concern believes that Tekhnopromexport has misled vendors, and demands to recognize the deal on the delivery of all four gas turbine plants as invalid and return them.