Russian Standard Ltd.


Rustam Tariko does not have time to beat off creditors


The companies of the Rustam Tariko group received a pre-trial claim for bond debt of $ 757 million from creditors. Lenders also hired an appraiser to determine the value of 49% of the shares of Russian Standard Bank pledged by debt.

Lenders accuse Russian Standard of violating its rights


They accused the bank's shareholders of violating their rights.

Holders of the default bonds of the company Rustam Tariko divided into two camps


The first group demanded to pay off the papers and threatens to collect 49% of shares of the bank "Russian Standard", the second wants to reissue bonds.

Investors sent Rustam Tariko for a pledge


Holders of defaulted bonds rejected the restructuring proposed by him.

Russian Standard defaulted on eurobonds


The holders intend to recover the collateral on these securities - 49% of the shares of the bank "Russian Standard".