Pobeda Airlines


Airline "Pobeda" did not reach Georgia


The Russian low cost airline will return the money for 17 thousand tickets sold to Tbilisi.

The US is choosing how to bring down the business of Aeroflot


The US State Department has not yet formulated what sanctions will eventually be imposed against Aeroflot: banning flights to the US and through the US, an embargo on the supply of equipment, components and software, or something else. In the Russian airline, this caused an attack of nervousness.

Vitaly Saveliev leaves for landing


The head of Aeroflot Vitaly Saveliev has long been predicted to resign. It is rumored that the principal decision on the top manager has already been made. He was no longer accepted in the Kremlin's offices, the former "benefactors" turned away from him.

"Pobeda Airlines" plans to buy 30 Boeing of the newest generation


A wholly-owned subsidiary of Aeroflot plans to buy 30 such aircraft in the US for a total of $ 1.7 billion. The Russian "analogue" of MS-21 is not interested in the airline.

Aeroflot's Loucoster will buy another 15 Boeing 737MAX8


The company-loukoster intends to buy 15 Boeing 737MAX8. At the same time its head structure, Aeroflot, promised to take 50 new Russian aircraft MS-21.

The growth of transportation of airlines for six months increased by 11%


In January-June, 2018, it increased by 11% compared to the same period last year.

"Aeroflot" estimated the cost of the "Pobeda" loukoster at $ 600 million


The cost of the "Pobeda" loukoster is 600 million dollars with investments of 50 million dollars, said the general director of Aeroflot and the chairman of the board of directors of Pobeda Vitaly Saveliev. Analysts note that such an assessment is at the level of the Western counterparts.