

Russia will keep the Siemens turbines


New power stations in the Crimea should start operating in a year, so there's no chance to find a replacement.

Crimean turbines revolve around Rostec


The state corporation created a secondary market for disputable equipment.

Last week's conflicts in Russia: Siemens and the Ministry of Emergency Situations


Last week in Russia one of the hottest topics was the problem of Siemens turbines, which had been sneaked into the Crimea quietly. The second most important topic was the search conducted by the FSB in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. It is believed that the FSB is trying to put this agency under its control.

German media blame Vladimir Putin for the scandal with turbines in the Crimea


Journalists learned that Putin had promised not to use Siemens turbines in the Crimea.

Siemens might leave Russia


Because of the scandal with the supply of turbines to the Crimea, the company is considering the option to withdraw from two joint ventures in Russia.