
Gazprom is a global energy company focused on geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sales of gas, gas condensate and oil, sales of gas as a vehicle fuel, as well as generation and marketing of heat and electric power.

Gazprom holds the world’s largest natural gas reserves. The Company’s share in the global and Russian gas reserves amounts to 17 and 72 per cent respectively. Gazprom accounts for 11 and 66 per cent of the global and national gas output correspondingly. At present, the Company is actively implementing large-scale gas development projects in the Yamal Peninsula, the Arctic shelf, Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East, as well as a number of hydrocarbon exploration and production projects abroad.

Gazprom is a reliable supplier of gas to Russian and foreign consumers. The Company owns the world’s largest gas transmission system with a total length of 171.2 thousand kilometers. Gazprom sells more than half of its gas to Russian consumers and exports gas to more than 30 countries within and beyond the former Soviet Union.

Official site.

Alexander Ryazanov will reach China in his own way


The company of the former deputy chairman of Gazprom has spent hundreds of millions of rubles on the road for the new Silk Road. What can stop her?

Valery Golubev and Alexander Medvedev disembarked from Gazprom


Gazprom is left by two key managers - deputy chairmen of the board, Valery Golubev, who oversaw the domestic market, and Alexander Medvedev, who was in charge of exports.

The son is responsible for the father: what Rauf and Raul Arashukovs are accused of


The senator from Karachay-Cherkessia and his influential father from Gazprom are charged with political killings and theft of gas.

Alexey Miller untied Kaliningrad from his pipe


Gazprom commissioned a floating LNG terminal, potentially capable of fully supplying the enclave with gas.

Miller will inflate "Lakhta Center" with gas


The giant office center in St. Petersburg was built with the money of Gazprom’s subsidiary Gazprom Neft.

Naftogaz began to prepare for the analysis of the Ukrainian GTS for scrap


After the launch of Nord Stream 2, Ukrainian transit will lose its meaning for Gazprom, the executive director of Naftogaz, Yury Vitrenko, said.

30 years on Sakhalin: why Exxon renounced claims to the Ministry of Finance


The dispute settlement agreement assumes that ExxonMobil’s subsidiary will pay a profit tax of 35%, while Russia will extend the right to extract oil until 2051 as part of the production-sharing agreement.

Pipe makers abandoned 47 billion Gazprom


They did not sell monopoly pipe with an additional discount.

Dudley's defense: why the head of BP stood up for Rosneft and Gazprom


The head of BP, Bob Dudley, said that restrictions on Rosneft (at BP 19.75%), Gazprom and LUKOIL, similar to sanctions against UC Rusal Oleg Deripaska, will not be imposed. Otherwise, the power system of Europe is waiting for the collapse, he warned.

Gazprom will invest 900 billion rubles in new gas pipelines from Yamal


Monopoly is rapidly developing gas transportation from Yamal.

Gazprom tightened the Poles in the appeal


The company disagreed with arbitration in a dispute with PGNiG.

"Naftogaz of Ukraine" recalled "Gazrom" overpayments for gas in the EU


Kiev plans to seek from Gazprom $ 110 million for forced purchase of gas in the EU countries.

Leonid Mikhelson and Gennady Timchenko suddenly became richer


Both oligarchs increased their fortunes by 1.4 billion dollars due to the growth of Novatek shares.

The cash flow of Gazprom turned out to be negative


The gas corporation spent all the proceeds on operating expenses and capital investments.

Gazprom will drag the pipe from Sakhalin to China


The gas corporation hopes that China will help the equipment to develop the resource base of the new gas pipeline, the South Kirinskoye field.

UCP of Ilya Shcherbovich sold a stake in Gazprom's contractor


The controlling shareholder of Stroygazconsulting remains Gazprombank.

The US will throw a blow on the Russian oil and gas industry sanctions


Washington threatens to blockade the "North Stream-2" and the oil industry of the Russian Federation.

"Nord Stream" found a way to get around Denmark


Nord Stream 2 AG plans to bypass the Danish island of Bornholm through Swedish waters.

Gazprom refused to purchase pipes for 22.6 billion rubles


Gazprom canceled the price requests for the supply of 255,000 tons of large-diameter pipes for the second line of the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas pipeline. Their value was estimated at more than 22.6 billion rubles.

Ukraine wants to return Gazprom in the nineties


Moscow, under Washington's pressure, is prepared to retain only a small part of its gas transit through Ukraine.

Former top manager of Gazprom's subsidiary was sent to SIZO


The former top manager of Gazprom's subsidiary Igor Mukan was sent to the pretrial detention center.

The Manager of Rotenberg received a share in two large fields of «Gazprom»


The government allowed the transfer of rights to develop two deposits in Yamal, the company "RusGazAlliance."

Naftogaz demanded from Gazprom another 11.58 billion dollars


The Ukrainian company is again looking for money in Stockholm arbitration.

"Naftogaz" hardly returned under arrest the shares of structures of "Gazprom" Nord Stream


The Ukrainian company in pursuit of 2.65 billion dollars from Gazprom barely has time to resume the arrest of shares of Nord Stream AG and Nord Stream 2 AG.

What was the result of RAO UES reform


Ex-chairman of the holding Anatoly Chubais told how the Russian energy industry has changed in 10 years.

"Gazprom" was allowed not to pay "Naftogaz"


The court upheld the ban on the execution of the decision of the Stockholm Arbitration to recover from the Russian "Gazprom" 2.65 billion dollars in favor of the Ukrainian company.

Which companies will pay their shareholders more than anyone else?


Dividend yield on the Russian market remains one of the highest among the developing countries and is 6%, if the sample is included in the sample from the RTS index. What papers should I pay attention to?

Poland is going to change Gazprom to the American LNG


The Russian company will have to make concessions in the struggle to maintain market share.