

Tushinsky Machine-Building Plant put up for sale on Avito


The largest enterprise of the aerospace industry, which produced reusable ships "Buran", is planned to be sold for 8.3 billion rubles. The plant itself since 2011 actually does not work, and in 2013-2015 it went through bankruptcy proceedings.

Real estate in the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory does not attract Russians


The agiotage in the real estate market of the Russian Black Sea region has remained in the past, and some tourists preferred Turkey and Egypt.

Moscow authorities decided to identify the "gray" rental of apartments with the help of big data


The Moscow government will use the analysis of large data to establish landlords who do not pay taxes. It is expected that the "digital gulag" will work in the Russian capital already in 2019.

Sberbank invaded the Internet real estate market


Under the impact were CIAN and Avito, which may lose part of their audience.

Bulletin board for $2.7 billion: how Avito came to success


In the fall of 2015, online free bulletin board Avito was estimated at $2.7 billion, which means that now it can challebge the Russian Internet giants: VKontakte, Yandex and Mail.Ru Group. RBC investigated how Avito had come to success.