Attorney General's Office of France


The United States will not exclude billionaire Kerimov from the sanctions list


The French police removed all charges from Suleiman Kerimov - now he can return to Russia. However, this is unlikely to convince the United States to exclude a billionaire from the sanctions list.

France justified Suleiman Kerimov


Soon the billionaire will return the passport and the pledged deposit.

The French court dismissed charges of Russian senator Suleiman Kerimov


Charges of the Nice Public Prosecutor's Office against the Russian senator and businessman are found to be unfounded.

The French will decide what to do with Suleiman Kerimov


In France, the court will hold a meeting on the specifics of the legal procedure in the case of Russian billionaire Suleiman Kerimov. He remains in France under a written undertaking not to leave the country and with a pledge of 40 million euros.

The French authorities imprisoned the Swiss businessman Alexander Studhalter


The French authorities imprisoned the Swiss businessman Alexander Studhalter, recognized Nice-Matin. He, as the investigators believe, was the "front man of Suleiman Kerimov" when buying villas and laundering funds.

Suleiman Kerimov illegally imported into France from 500 to 750 million euros


Russian oligarch Suleiman Kerimov created in France a system of laundering illegally imported capital to this country. This was stated on Monday by the prosecutor of Nice, Jean-Michel Prêtre (Jean-Michel Prêtre).