All-Russia People's Front


RBC investigation: what money People's Front of Vladimir Putin lives upon


All-Russia People's Front, which is founded and headed by Vladimir Putin, is unwilling to disclose its income and expenditure.

Subsidiary of Gazprom has spent more than 1 billion rubles on sports complexes projects


All-Russia People's Front accused Gazprom investgazifikatsiya of spendthrifting in the implementation of the program "Gazprom for the Children."

How the government agencies will celebrate the New Year


This year, state customers are going to spend nearly 10 times less money on the New Year corporate parties than a year before, as estimated by the All-Russia People's Front.

All-Russia People’s Front accuses the government structures of spending money on expensive cars


The Kremlin's control agency will inspect the state procurements of vehicles according to the data provided by the All-Russia People's Front for the first time.