Wild turkey of Inga Sechina

The daughter of the head of Rosneft makes mysterious payments through OOO Khoroshiye Lyudi.
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The company co-owned by Inga Karimova, the daughter of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin, the head, is going to invest in the production of turkeys in the Novgorod region of about 30 thous. Tons per year

At the end of September 2015 in Moscow company "good people" was registered, whose main activity is related to the breeding of poultry. This company, in turn, owns 40% of LLC "Novgorod Agropark", which is registered in Veliky Novgorod 4 December 2015 and has the same specialization.

Only the owner and CEO of "good people" - Inga Igorevna Karimova.

40% "of the Novgorod Agropark" owned registered in Ufa LLC "Investment Company" (sphere of activity - financial intermediation, the sole owner - Ildous Fakhretdinov), 20% - Moscow LLC "Negotsiant TK" (sphere of activity - breeding of poultry, the sole owner - Oleg Cherniavsky). Contacts "Negotsiant TC" in the database SPARK is not specified, by phone investmentconstant company no answer.

In February 2014 the newspaper "Kommersant" wrote that the daughter of the head of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin Inga married Timerbulatov Karimov (now - a member of the Russian Copper Company's Board of Directors). "I can confirm that companies that were listed on the Inga Karimov really have to do with our family - he said Karimov. - It's just a legal person who is not filled with asset. But we are considering the possibility of investment in different sectors, including in agriculture. " While the decision to start the investment is not made, according to Karimov.

The database SPARK is no contact phone numbers of companies "good people" and "Novgorod Agropark".

"Novgorod Agropark" considering the area as a potential site for the implementation of a large investment project, the first deputy head of the Department of Economic Development of Novgorod Region Marina Elias. According to her, it is about creating the production of turkey meat: the planned production volume - 30 tons of meat per year to live.ese. Now the company is in talks with the government of Novgorod region for the territory of the land in the region, clarified Elias. An agreement of intent between the company and the regional government has not yet signed. Karimov said that the talk about the timing of the launch of the project and potential investment is premature.

The slaughter weight production capacity, declared "NovSU orodskim Agropark", will be about 22 thousand. Tons, says the president of consulting company Agrifood Strategies Albert Davleev. If these figures the company had now, it could enter the top three largest manufacturers of turkey in Russia. For comparison: in 2015 the volume of production of the largest player in this market, the group "Eurodon" Vadim Benaiah, was (slaughter weight), 38 thousand tons of production volumes by second - the company "Damate" with a volume of about 34.7 thousand tons... Bashkir poultry complex Gafur produced last year 28 thousand tons, the company "Krasnobor." - 18 thousand tons..

Investment in the project, designed to produce 30 thousand. Tonnes of turkey, amount to at least € 160 million, SROPayback of the project must be at least eight to ten years, says Vadim Van. "Now build later, even a year ago, it was too late. Build are all another question - where will sell "- he says. markets for products produced in the Novgorod region, can become Northwestern Federal District - Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region, local manufacturers produce there are not more than 5-6 thousand tons per year, and the market capacity of greater than about ten times, not. Davleev agree. The analyst Marat Ibragimov BCS notes that the production of turkey - meat market is the only segment that is growing, so the investment is still profitable to him.

The amount of turkey production in 2015 in Russia amounted to 149.5 ths. Tons in carcass weight. In 2015, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, the biggest increase in production of all kinds of meat turkey has shown: the production in 2015, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, increased by 34.9%. In 2016, the amount will increase to 170-180 thous. Tons, predicts Davleev.

As a new company intends to finance the project in the Novgorod region, Kaimov says. Contact with his wife failed. Earlier on investments and Inga Timerbulatov Karimov in agribusiness have been reported. Prior to September 2015, according to SPARK, for Inga Karimova did not appear stake in any companies. In February 2014, when Karimov had left the VTB, "Kommersant", citing its own sources reported that the former banker is now going to focus on their own projects and the management of family assets.

Now Timerbulat Karimov is on the board of directors of Russian Copper Company - the third largest copper producer in Russia (the main owner of the company - the billionaire Igor Altushkin). Karimov is also chairman of Plyos urban settlement and the name of the founder Karim Mustai Fund (engaged in publishing). 11 and 13 May 2016 Inga and Timerbulat registered two funds - "Tradition and Culture" and the musical "Summer Festival".