Why it's better not to keep money in Russian banks

A new way of confiscation of bank deposits has been invented. Now the Russian courts participate in the scheme. 
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That bankers's cynicism has absolutely no boundaries, became clear a long time ago. Evidence of that appear almost every day. Recently, the looting of people with deposits in Russian banks, was reinforced by a state entity: State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (DIA). And now the Russian courts joined the plunder of people with deposits in Russian banks.

The relatively fair method of weaning depositors' funds with the help of the Russian court is as follows (the method has already been tested on the example of one of the Russian banks). Central Bank revokes a license of a bank. The bank falls under temporary administration by the DIA. The DIA selects the bank, through which investors will be able to get their money. Depositors go to the bank, and some of them find that they are not in the list, they are not in the so-called register of depositors. This means that the bank, which has license revoked, recorded such depositors 'in a notebook', and did not take into account their money in the balance sheet. This phenomenon is called "notebook deposits". More recently, the DIA made favors for the depositors, and in the presence of paper documents, confirming the existence of the deposit, included them in the register, and the depositors got their money.

Now everything is different. Now the DIA official wrote an official letter to such depositors, which reads as follows: "The bank's register has no information about liability to you in respect of the your requirements In addition, the bank has not found the primary bank documents and accounting documents confirming the validity of your requirements. Therefore, at the moment there are no grounds for making changes to the registry and payment of your insurance claim." That is, the DIA denies all "notebook" depositors their investments.

Meanwhile, criminal proceedings are initiated against the bankers who have stolen the money of "notebook" depositors.

Depositors go to court to add them in the register of depositors. A court of general jurisdiction at the preliminary hearing postpones consideration of the inclusion of the depositor in the register before "procedural decision in a criminal case, which are essential in the present case." That is, until the court makes its decision in the criminal case against the thieving bankers, the court of general jurisdiction will make no  decision on inclusion of "notebook" depositors into the register. And the depositors will not see their money.

But the bankers, against whom a criminal case was initiated, have long fled from Russia. To interrogate them and find out what they did to the "notebook" depositors' money, is not possible, neither now nor in the future. That is, the case is very quickly transformed from a so-called "dead one" (case not solved in a timely manner) in the so-called "cold case" (hopeless from the beginning of criminal proceedings).

In the extreme case, "notebook" depositors will never get their money. And so it comes to the actual death of the Russian deposit insurance system. What can one advise to all depositors and simple citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with these new circumstances? Do not become depositors of Russian banks. And if you are a bank depositor, do not prolong anu relationships with it. It is better to minimize any contacts with the Russian banks. Because nerve cells do not regenerate.