It was so acidic for me, aggressive Fellini

Director Ilya Nayshuller about the shooting of the clip Kolschik.
On Valentine's Day, group Leningrad uploaded its clip "Kolschik" to YouTube. Its concert premiere will be on February 23 at a ceremony "Chart's Dozen" in the Olympic. In a single day, the clip was watched by more than a million viewers. The director of the video was Ilya Nayshuller, author of the film "Hardcore", shot in the first person, as well as a clip of a Canadian singer from The Weeknd «False Alarm» and viral videos of his own group Biting Elbows. Ilya Nayshuller told Boris Barabanov how the clip had been filmed.

- How many interviews have you had today?

- That's the first one. I have had an intense day of shooting, I did not respond to calls.

- Do you regret the fact that shortly after the premiere of the video, a "from the end to the start" internet version of emerged with answers to all the questions, and the magic was gone?

- When I was shooting video, I was aware that that was how it would be: in five minutes, people would download it and run the clip in the opposite direction. We ourselves did it immediately after the shooting: inversed the movie. And it was so cool! In the right form, it still looks fine. After all, in any case we would like to tell the story, slowly revealing the "source of the problem." And in any case I am glad that people are somehow interested in my work. No broken end.

- The idea to make a video for Leningrad...did it come when Sergey Shnurov starred in your Hardcore?
- No, later. It was just last summer, in July. Mitya Muravyev called me, the guy from Fancy Shot agency that shoots most Shnurov's clips. He described the problem to me: there is a song ... and it must be shoot at the circus.

- No other conditions?

- None.

- Where did you find the circus?

- In the city of Tver. We treated that space with respect, although it's hard to understand that from the clip. And the circus respected us.

- Do I understand correctly that the there is no connection between the clip's plot with the plot of the song?

- For me there is. Among the heroines of the clip there is a girl, who might have been the narrator of the story. But I will not say who it is.

- Good. I saw Julia Topolnitska from Exponat clip in the video, but I will not ask whether it's she or not. Have you been already told that the clip is inspired by Quentin Tarantino?

- I can tell you that it was my internal reference. For me, it was so acidic, aggressive Fellini. I am glad that someone in the comments on YouTube has already mentioned this parallel.