Who made the ugly logo of the presidential election

The Mikhailov & Partners Agency will be responsible for covering the CEC during the presidential elections. "IMA-consulting" won a state contract for the creation of an awareness-raising campaign for the presidential elections.
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The agency "Mikhailov & Partners" is owned by Novakom Group LLC. Its founders are Vitaly Krivenko (50.4%), Igor Simonov (3%) and Ivan Nikitin (1%). The remaining 45.6% - for two Cypriot offshore companies: KRETLIA HOLDING LIMITED and RIO LIMITED. Among the founders of the agency itself - TASS General Director Sergey Mikhailov and his wife Juliana Slascheva.

"Mikhailov and Partners" received state contracts for 1.7 billion rubles. Over the past year - by 323 million rubles. She conducted individual medical trainings for JSC Russian Venture Company (RVC, owned by the Federal Property Management Agency), educated the public about parking in Moscow (17 and 19 million rubles), helped with the advertising of MGTS, Helicopters of Russia JSC (26 million rubles), the Social Fund insurance (40 million rubles). The agency also entered into contracts with Sberbank (12 million), Mosgortrans (64 million), VTB (4 million) and Rostekh (88 million).

The head of TASS and the agency concluded a state contract between his companies. "Mikhailov & Partners" won a state contract for 11 million rubles from TASS in May 2017. This money was paid to the agency for the publication of the news of the federal target program "Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for 2016-2020." Unexpectedly, the news is published by a consulting agency, not by an information agency.

In February 2016, the agency was searched. They were associated with embezzlement. A year earlier, investigators were interested in a contract between the Primorsky Territory Development Corporation and Mikhailov & Partners for 10.6 million rubles. The work was done formally, the examination decided. More agency with the Primorsky Territory does not work.

The company "IMA-consulting" was established in 1999. Its founders are Vartan Sarkisov and Andrei Hnatyuk. The company is engaged in PR, analytics, training and GR.

The company requested 37 million rubles to cover the activities of the CEC before the presidential elections. This amount includes sociological studies, advertising, logo of elections, corporate identity and a line of souvenirs. On November 29, the Central Election Commission presented the logo. It looks like it was copied from an image from a photo-drain.

 "Ima-consulting" received state contracts for 124 million rubles for the last year. Most contracts she concludes without competitors. Companies that are affiliated with it also sponsor state contracts: "The Third Point" (exists at IMA-press) and the Institute of Management and Management Consulting (founder and CEO Anton Mitichkin is also the executive director of the Development Fund cooperation with China ", which is part of the IMA holding). Two more competitors - "Liner" and "School of New Media" is also connected with the company. This is described in the report of Transparency International.

The company serves the Moscow mayor's office. It provides "information support", the essence of which is to publish "good" news about power in the city media. This was described in detail by Lapshesnimalochka.

"IMA-consulting" lit up in a scandal with renovation. It turned out that the company collects false city dwellers at public hearings, creates groups that promote the use of renovation "and sends Internet bots to the disgruntled.

Thus, "IMA-consulting" is not just engaged in PR-services, but acts on the orders of the authorities, trying to form public opinion in the way that officials need.