The UK will deal with the giant apartment of Igor Shuvalov

Transparency International became interested in Igor Shuvalov's income.
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The British authorities will check the funds for the purchase of the apartment of Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov in London. The corresponding request came from the human rights organization Transparency International, which complained of the legality of these funds.

Experts are inclined to suspect Shuvalov of corruption, since his apartment is worth more than a million pounds sterling, which considerably exceeds official incomes of the official.

According to the requirements of the UK law, owners of property worth more than 50 thousand pounds are required to disclose the sources of origin of the funds spent.

Earlier Shuvalov at a meeting with students of the Northern Arctic Federal University said that he "has absolutely no undeclared property." At the same time, he admitted that he was really a rich man and "never was ashamed of it."

Recall, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov at a meeting with students of the Northern Arctic Federal University said that he "has absolutely no undeclared property", the newspaper "MK" reports.

One of the students asked Shuvalov whether he was ashamed before the Russians for undeclared property. In response, the Deputy Prime Minister said: "As for the property, no one could ever say that I and my family have undeclared property. We have a lot of property. I am a rich man. And we were never ashamed of this. Our state is completely legalized. "

Earlier, Aleksei Navalny published on his website the next FBK investigation, which found out that in the elite residential complex Skolkovo Park for Life in the Moscow region, houses were built so that the windows did not go out to the dacha of First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov.