"White bird" hit the sight of the Central Bank of Russia

The debt of poultry company Dmitry Ananyev to Avtovazbank exceeded 26 billion rubles.
Avtovazbank, owned by the Central Bank, intends to file applications for the bankruptcy of several structures of the "White Bird" - a major producer of broiler meat ex-shareholder Promsvyazbank Dmitry Ananyev. The group's debt to the bank is estimated at 26 billion rubles. If the applications are accepted, the creditor will be able to introduce external management in the White Bird.

The intention of Avtovazbank to apply for bankruptcy claims of the structures of the group "White Bird" became known from the messages on the portal "Fedresses". We are talking about Belaya Ptitsa-Belgorod LLC, White Bird-Kursk LLC, White Bird-Rostov LLC and White Bird LLC, which also owns the same-name trading house and several other group companies. The amount of debt in the messages is not specified.

"White Bird" - one of the largest producers of broiler meat in the country. According to Rosptitsesoyuz, in 2017 the group produced more than 300 thousand tons of products in live weight, occupying the fourth place in this indicator. The owner of the "White Bird" is Promsvyaz Capital B. V. ex-shareholder Promsvyazbank (DPB) Dmitry Ananyev. After the temporary administration was introduced into the PSB, the "White Bird" crediting was suspended, the group had a shortage of working capital. So, in the spring of 2018 the holding closed two feeding grounds in the Belgorod region, and in July it became known about the suspension of production at the complex in the Rostov region.

Avtovazbank, which since 2015 sanitized the PSB, has been controlled by the Central Bank since April. The predecessor of Trust Bank (on its basis, the Central Bank creates a bad debt fund) Alexander Sokolov in an interview with Vedomosti said that the debt of the "White Bird" in the amount of about 26 billion rubles. transferred to the balance of Avtovazbank. Itself Avtovazbank is planned to be attached to the "Trust". Earlier, several counterparties of the group reported about the intention to appeal to the court with applications for bankruptcy of the "White Bird" structures.

According to Rustam Kurmaev, the managing partner of the law firm Rustam Kurmaev and partners, if the bank has the majority of votes among the creditors of the White Bird, he will be able to appoint his own arbitration manager. Among other things, he will be interested in possible signs of withdrawal of funds, then to challenge the transaction, he says. Depending on the results of the audit, external management or bankruptcy proceedings can be introduced with the subsequent sale of property, Mr. Kurmaev concludes. "The enterprise is huge, it will be wrong if it goes bankrupt: it is one of the leaders in the egg and poultry industry. We need to find a solution so that it continues to function. There is always an interesting person who is ready to work with the asset, a question of price and conditions, "Alexander Sokolov told Vedomosti.